The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 592 Let Heaven Make the Decision

Chapter 592 Let Heaven Make the Decision
Doubtful, they are skeptical!
The moment Ye Yayan landed on the altar, they became suspicious.

They even suspected that Ye Yayan was the new generation demon king of their demon clan.

However, Mu Wan is fine, and Ye Yayan will not be the Demon King that night.

Could it be that she has any necessary relationship with the Demon King?
Mu Wan's words caused all the demon clan to fall into silence, and they had no choice but to think about it.

If Ye Yayan really has something to do with the demon king, then if they kill her, will their demon clan fall into a situation of eternal doom?
"Wang, what does she have to do with you?" A sudden sentence sounded, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Mu Wan.

The conscience of heaven and earth, they asked this sentence without any temptation, but for some reason, hearing their words, Mu Wan actually felt a guilty conscience.

Does she really have something to do with Ye Yayan?

Of course, it was also the first time she saw her, so would they be related?

They can't be related!

But, if there is no relationship, then why does she have a sense of closeness to her.

Mu Wan's silence made all the monsters feel weird, but at this moment, Mu Xin's mouth curved to the maximum.

She seems to have found something?
"Sister, since everyone can't make a decision, let the heavens make the decision!" As soon as Mu Xin said this, the eyes of all the demon clans focused on her.

"God? Miss Xin'er, what does this mean?" God, the last thing they believe in is God's will.

If it was God's will, then their monster clan would not have been almost wiped out.

Therefore, if you want to say that you believe in heaven, they don't believe it.

"I think my sister doesn't want her to die, but everyone seems to want her to die. Since everyone's wishes conflict with my sister's, let God decide!" Mu Xin's words made everyone All of her attention was focused on her. At this time, it can be described as a crowd raising their eyes.

Mu Xin obviously likes the gazes of everyone staring at her. She likes this feeling, the feeling of being watched.

If at the beginning, they knew that they also had the power of the demon king, could she always have such a gaze?

However, no!
All her halo was taken away by Mu Wan, and everyone's eyes would not stay on her, even at this moment, they only stayed their eyes for a while, and then moved away.

Even so, she is very satisfied!

"The sky I'm talking about is the altar. Since she came from the altar, let's send her to the altar again and see what will happen? Is it as you have guessed? "The last sentence blocked the words that all the monsters were about to speak.

Their guess?
What do they think?
At this moment, they were all questioned by Mu Xin's words. Even if they had guessed before, it was just a guess. Is it really necessary to send Ye Yayan to the altar again?
Before, Ye Yayan had already defiled the altar once, should he go through it again?

When Mu Xin finished speaking, no one opened her mouth, not even Mu Wan.

In fact, she also has doubts in her heart, and she also wants to confirm it.

Ye Yayan stayed in the iron cage and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. At this time, she was like a passerby, not caring what they were saying at all. Even as the person involved, she didn't respond. That calmness Mu Wan frowned...

(End of this chapter)

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