The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 593 Seems to be Changing

Chapter 593 Seems to be Changing

Why can she be so calm?

Why is she so unprepared?

Is she capable of getting rid of all this, or does she believe in her?
Suddenly, a word of belief appeared in Mu Wan's mind, and it flashed for an instant, making Mu Wan stunned.

What happened to her?
Why is there such a reaction?

Where does such belief come from?

She is the king of the monster clan, and she is responsible for all the monster clan. How can Ye Yayan believe her like this?

Something was wrong with Mu Wan, which made Mu Xin feel weird.

This kind of abnormality should not be displayed on Mu Wan, but now, not only is there, but the emotions are quite intense.

What kind of connection does this woman who fell from the sky have with Mu Wan?
Curiosity reached its peak at this moment.

The so-called curiosity killed the cat, and just like that, Mu Xin began to investigate the relationship between Ye Yayan and Mu Wan.

First of all, she has to pay attention to the two people's eyes, she can see from their eyes that there is something tricky between them.

However, to her disappointment, the two of them didn't keep their gazes together at all, and they didn't even look at each other.

Ye Yayan was like an outsider, listening to their discussion, he didn't care about what they said at all.

It seemed that what they were discussing was not just her.

In fact, Mu Wan has been paying attention to Ye Yayan's every move, but she didn't show it. She was afraid that she would not be able to hide her emotions, but she didn't know why she just didn't want people to know. She wanted to keep Ye Yayan. Heart.

It seems that once the words are spoken, they can never go back to the past.

"Where did you come from?" This point must be clarified.

"You didn't say I fell from the sky, then I came from the sky!" If you want to know everything from her mouth, it is really harder than going to the sky.

If Ye Yayan didn't want to say it, there was no way to pry any information out of her mouth.

"You..." Upon hearing Ye Yayan's words, everyone was furious.

They were giving her a chance, giving her a chance to explain, but they heard such words.

Sure enough, humans are not good goods!

"Miss Xin'er, I will do it according to your method!" All the monster clans unanimously demanded to follow Mu Xin's words. Although they didn't know what Mu Xin's plan was, they believed Mu Xin.

Hearing what everyone said, Ye Yayan frowned, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

And this slight change happened to fall into Mu Wan's eyes.

Seeing the fleeting worry in Ye Yayan's eyes, Mu Wan's heart ached, and a complex look flashed in her eyes.

"Xin'er, what do you want to do?" Mu Wan's voice carried a trace of imperceptible coldness, maybe even Mu Wan didn't notice this trace of coldness, but Mu Xin noticed it.

Sensing the coldness in Mu Wan's words, Mu Xin suffocated slightly, her eyes full of surprise.

Mu Wan actually has cold feelings for her, what's going on?
From the beginning to the end, Mu Wan has always felt a little sorry for her, and this little apology also gave her a status in the monster clan that is below one person and above ten thousand. Under Mu Wan's protection, she enjoys the power of the monster. King of everything.

Although she doesn't need Mu Wan's protection at all, she can get everything without doing it herself, so why not do it!
But, now, it seems that everything is about to change!

(End of this chapter)

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