The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 602 My Purpose Is For You

Chapter 602 My Purpose Is For You
If such an impermanent person can really make the Yaozu exterminate, then there is really no need for the Yaozu to exist in this world.

Facing Mu Xin, Ye Yayan looked like he was insane.

Indeed, in Ye Yayan's eyes, Mu Xin is really a psycho, and a severe one at that!
"I'm thinking about how to answer your words!" As soon as Ye Yayan said these words, the breath in Mu Xin's body returned to calm.

However, this also let Ye Yayan know about Mu Xin's strength.

Mu Xin's physical strength is indeed good, at least she can keep pace with Mu Wan, but her mind is still a little tender.

Before, she thought that Mu Xin was a person who was good at hiding, but now, her opinion of her has completely changed.

For a person like her, Mu Wan might have already noticed it.

It seemed that her worries were unnecessary.

"Say, what's your purpose?" Mu Xin is not a patient person, if she didn't want to catch Mu Wan's tricks, she wouldn't waste time here with Ye Yayan.

"If I say that the purpose of my coming to Yaozu is to find you, do you believe it?" Ye Yayan's words are not a lie. Back then, if she hadn't seen Mu Xin on the mural, she would not have Will know that there is such a number one person as her.

Wait, she seems to have forgotten another key point.

The mural, by the way, the mural has the breath of a saint, if so, Mu Xin will become a saint.

Although not that kind of golden saint, Mu Xin will at least become a black silver saint.

How could she be like this?
"What?" Ye Yayan's words surprised Mu Xin, her voice was a little raised.

The purpose of Ye Yayan's coming here is to find her. Could it be that he sent her to help her?
Thinking that it was he who brought her here, Mu Xin's face turned red, circles of red bloomed on her face.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yayan was a little dumbfounded.

What's happening here?
She is not a handsome guy. Although there is a lot of ambiguity in this sentence, Mu Xin shouldn't have such a reaction.

"Did he ask you to come?" Just as Ye Yayan was thinking about why Mu Xin had such a reaction, he suddenly heard Mu Xin ask such words.

Who is he?
Judging from Mu Xin's spring-like appearance, is the "he" in her mouth a man?


Mu Xin has a man she likes now?

Could it be that the man she spoke of was the person behind the scenes?

If there is a man behind Mu Xin, then it can be explained, but isn't this man her father?

No, she went into a misunderstanding from the very beginning, and all of this was her own guess.

Now, she shouldn't bring her speculation into reality, she should be a passerby and watch the development of this situation.

"En!" Although Ye Yayan didn't know who the man Mu Xin was talking about, she still nodded.

It's still easy to get that man out of Mu Xin's mouth. This woman is really not smart. Now that she knows that there is a man behind this woman, the matter becomes much simpler.

Originally, she was still desperately guessing whether Mu Xin was hiding her true nature, or whether she did it on purpose, but now it seems that everything is her own overthinking.

"It turns out that he really hasn't forgotten me. He, what did he ask you to bring?" At this moment, Mu Xin was definitely a person who was dazzled by love. She actually believed that she was sent by that man so easily. .

Shouldn't he show some evidence to prove that he was sent by that man?
(End of this chapter)

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