Chapter 603

However, Mu Xin's reaction also let Ye Yayan know that the man hiding behind is a human being!
Otherwise, Mu Xin would not take it for granted that she was sent by that man.


At this moment, Mu Xin was waiting for Ye Yayan to hand over the things. For her now, she no longer cared about Mu Wan or Ye Yayan. The only thing she was full of was that man, the one who made her... The man she fell into.

When Ye Yayan heard Mu Xin's words, the corner of her mouth twitched, where would she get this thing for her.

"Master, you picked out so many jewels back then, just give her any one. Anyway, this silly woman doesn't know the good from the bad!" Feng Xi's mocking voice came from the contract space.

Upon hearing Feng Xi's words, Ye Yayan immediately patted her head, yes, she actually forgot such an important thing.

At the beginning, she picked out not too many jewels, but now she can take out a random one, and she will definitely be able to bluff Mu Xin!

At that moment, without the slightest hesitation, he directly took out a huge gemstone from the blue space, "Here, this is what the master asked me to bring to you!"

Ye Yayan handed Mu Xin a gemstone emitting blue light.

All of a sudden, Mu Xin fell in love with this sapphire. At this moment, only the sapphire was left in her eyes, and there was nothing else.

"He...he...actually remembers it!" At this moment, Mu Xin wept with joy, her eyes were full of love for the man.

At this moment, Ye Yayan was a little dumbfounded.

She, is this a blind cat meeting a dead mouse?

Take it casually, and directly match it.

This luck, is it going to explode?

"Well, the master always remembers it! Originally, I wanted to sneak in here, but I didn't expect some accidents to happen on the way!" Ye Yayan is now full of lies, and she is quite innocent.

"No, you lied to me. If you really came here for me, why didn't you tell me in the first place?" When Mu Wan said the first sentence, Ye Yayan thought her brain had suddenly opened up.

Where did she think of the next sentence, she completely felt that Mu Xin was a big fool.

No wonder that man played her around, with such an IQ, she is so stupid!

"There were so many people at that time, how could I tell the mistress, even when you were alone, I didn't dare, I was afraid that the walls have ears!" Ye Yayan said that this was definitely a burst of emotional intelligence, even the word "mistress" They all said it.

After Mu Xin heard the word "mother", her eyes suddenly lit up, and even her brows and eyes were smiling.

She really loves these two words.

"Yes, yes, yes, but now, you don't have to worry, there will be no one else within a hundred miles, you can tell me what he asked you to bring to me, remember, don't miss it One word!" Mu Xin's eyes were full of expectation.

Such love between children is indeed suitable for betrayal!
Thinking of betrayal, Ye Yayan's heart shuddered slightly, feeling sad, feeling sad for Mu Wan.

The younger sister she held in her hand would actually unite with outsiders to deal with their demon clan.

Although it has not shown that Mu Xin is uniting with outsiders to deal with the Yaozu, but after she mentioned him, Ye Yayan [-]% believed that the man Mu Xin was talking about was the one who pushed the Yaozu to perish!
The main messenger hidden behind!
(End of this chapter)

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