The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 618 Low-end despicable methods

Chapter 618 Low-end despicable methods

"Alas..." Mu Wan sighed heavily, how could she have such a stupid younger sister.

Ye Yayan hid in the corner, and couldn't help sighing, she was also worried about Mu Xin's IQ!

"My lord, what should we do? We can't hold back!" The people outside are aggressive and powerful, and the most important thing is that the concealed clothes they put up have no effect on them at all. Obviously, before this, Mu Xin sent them away. Tell them everything about the Yaozu, otherwise, they wouldn't have come to their core area so quickly.

"Kill!" After Mu Wan finished saying this word, she walked out in a flash.

These people must not be condoned and raped, they must be killed!
After Mu Wan went out, Mu Xin followed suit.

When she saw the man she had longed for appeared in front of her, Mu Xin was in a kind of excitement, that kind of excitement, as if she wanted to break through everything and walk towards that man recklessly.

Fortunately, Mu Xin still had some rationality and didn't rush out directly, otherwise she would really become a sinner of the Yaozu.

Ye Yayan watched the crowd wrestle together with weird eyes.

She found that the man couldn't bear it when he met Mu Wan!
Yes, can't bear it!
This intolerance can be seen from the angle and strength of his shots.

She could see it, and Mu Wan and Mu Xin could also see it, especially Mu Xin, after seeing Chen Lin making many concessions to Mu Wan, his eyes became strange.

Could it be that Chen Lin is interested in Mu Wan?Otherwise, why would he give way to her so much that he didn't even use his strength once.

what is happening?
No, very wrong!
Ye Yayan looked at Chen Lin, frowning deeply!

This man was indeed dazzling, but there was something weird about him, and she couldn't tell what was weird about it.

Wait, evil!
There is an evil spirit about him!
Could it be that Mu Xin became a black and silver saint because of this man?

I have to say, Ye Yayan told the truth!
The way this man is showing now is indeed to arouse the soaring jealousy in Mu Xin's heart. Only by arousing Mu Xin's jealousy to the extreme, then he will have a way to completely transform her into a black silver saint!

"Mu Wan, do you know why I want Yaozu?" Chen Lin's sudden opening made Mu Wan and Mu Xin startled at the same time, and Mu Xin suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Mu Wan didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Lin, seeing what kind of conspiracy he was up to.

Ye Yayan watched Chen Lin's eyes flash with anger, and she already guessed what he was going to say next.

This low-end man actually used such a despicable method.

Sure enough, Ye Yayan's conjecture became a fact.

"I want the demon clan because of you, because you are the demon king, and I want to be the husband of the demon king, but I know that your demon clan has always hated humans, so I can only become the demon clan's wife." Wang, so that we humans can live together with your monster race! Mu Wan, I did this for you!" Chen Lin said the most disgusting words in the world, which made Ye Yayan want to vomit.

This man is really a fighter among scumbags!

Mrs. Demon King, these three words made Mu Xin's eyes turn red. She never expected to hear such words from the man she loves. Besides, he said, everything he did was for Mu Wan's sake. , for Mu Wan!

(End of this chapter)

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