The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 619 The Fighter Among Scumbags

Chapter 619 The Fighter Among Scumbags

How could it be, how could he do that!
Didn't he say that she is the one he loves?

She is Mu Xin, not Mu Wan.

"Chen Lin, haven't you always loved me? Why? Why do you say such things?" Mu Xin looked at Chen Lin with affection in her eyes. She just looked at Chen Lin like this. After experiencing auditory hallucinations, she was still waiting, waiting for Chen Lin's sweet words.

Unfortunately, her expectations could not be realized.

For his great cause, Chen Lin would give up even his beloved, let alone Mu Xin!
Mu Xin, this kind of woman, he doesn't need to spend much thought at all, he really doesn't like such a person.

If it wasn't for capturing the Yaozu, he wouldn't have spent any effort to get close to Mu Xin.

"I'm sorry Xin'er, I've always liked your sister, Mu Wan, the reason I approached you was simply to meet your sister, and you also know that your sister, as a demon king, is very difficult to get close to!" Chen Lin said When saying this, she didn't look at Mu Xin, but kept looking at Mu Wan.

The radiance revealed in those bewitching eyes seemed to swallow Mu Wan.

"Really, what you said is true?" Mu Xin still couldn't believe that the man she loved so much would say such cruel words.

If this is the case, it is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for her!

"Xin'er, I don't want to lie to you anymore, I want to be honest with myself!" Chen Lin finally looked at Mu Xin, but said extremely cruel words.

Disgusting, really disgusting.

Ye Yayan, who was hiding at the side, had acid reflux in her stomach, and couldn't help throwing up at the side. She was so disgusted by Chen Lin that she vomited out the meal the night before.

There are such disgusting people.

She thought that this kind of disgusting person was only shown on TV, but she didn't expect that in reality, there were many times more disgusting people than those shown on TV.

"Chen Lin, you bitch!" Suddenly, a sudden sentence rang out, and the person who said it was not Mu Xin or Mu Wan, but Ah Xiao who was beside him.

As soon as A Xiao said these words, everyone looked at A Xiao in unison, they didn't understand what A Xiao said at this time.

"Damn it, why don't you be so bloody!" The people present might not understand, but Ye Yayan did.

This man named Chen Lin wouldn't have seduced Ah Xiao, right?

"A Xiao, what's the situation?" Mu Wan looked at her strangely when she heard what A Xiao said.

"Wang, I'm sorry for you!" Ah Xiao fell to her knees in front of Mu Wan with a plop. Originally, she wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, but now, she had to say it.

She had an affair with Chen Lin!
It was earlier than Mu Xin knew him!

"Say!" Mu Wan felt that today was really a bad day. Her most beloved sister turned against her, and the person she trusted the most knelt down in front of her and begged her for forgiveness. She knew what Ah Xiao was going to say next, but she really couldn't accept such a fact.

"Although I didn't betray the king, I didn't say anything about me and him. I feel sorry for the king!" Although Ah Xiao didn't completely betray Mu Wan like Mu Xin, she was indeed sorry for her adultery with human beings. Mu Wan.


Ye Yayan didn't know that this was the first time she sighed.

Mu Wan is really the worst king she has ever seen, there is no more tragic king than her!

(End of this chapter)

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