The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 623 It's Too Late After All

Chapter 623 It's Too Late After All
Although she didn't know why Mu Xin's power was dissipating, she knew that this was a good time, and she made a move without any hesitation.

And her shot also relieved Ye Yayan's pressure.

At the moment when her consciousness was about to dissipate, Ye Yayan was greatly relieved by Mu Wan's move.


A mouthful of blood sprayed out from his mouth, and at the moment the blood spurted out, Ye Yayan also passed out.

Fortunately, the moment she fell to the ground, she jumped into the blue space, otherwise, she would be poured into the iron cage again.

When Mu Wan suppressed Mu Xin, Chen Lin also escaped!

This time, they couldn't capture the Yaozu, so they could only retreat, but his retreat was blocked by the Yaozu.

The moment he was blocked, Chen Lin realized what a wrong decision he had made.

He thought he had already controlled the initiative, but he didn't expect that it was not enough!

"Sister, let him go, let him go, I'll stay, I'll stay!" Mu Xin was still obsessed at this moment, still begging for Chen Lin's mercy.

Faced with such admiration, Chen Lin was not only not moved, but even more disgusted.

Such a woman, sure enough, can't accomplish great things.

Let him go?
Naturally, it is impossible. It is said that the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again. This time, let Chen Lin leave, then I am really sorry for the Yaozu.

Such a scheming man, she would never let him leave.

"Sister, I beg you, please, please!" Say important things three times, and if Chen Lin can be allowed to leave, even if she says it three hundred times, she will be happy.

"Destroy all his strength and let him go!" After all, Mu Wan compromised, and she still couldn't do anything in the face of such Mu Xin's pleading.

"Wang, you can't do this!" Hearing Mu Wan's words, all the monsters knelt down, "Wang, if you let him go, how can you be worthy of our dead clansmen?"

Hearing everyone's words, Mu Wan's eyes flickered, yes, if that's the case, I really feel sorry for everyone in the Yaozu, but she doesn't want to make Mu Xin sad.

Once, she swore that in her lifetime, she must make Mu Xin happy, even if she gave up everything, she would do the same!
Now, it was time for her to make a decision.

"I'm just a demon clan with the blood of the demon king. As long as the demon clan has the blood of the demon king, it doesn't matter if I become the demon king. If you let him go, I will not be the king of the demon clan!" Make a choice between Mu Xin and the Demon King.

"Sister!" Mu Xin's eyes were full of shock when she heard Mu Wan's words.

She really did not expect that Mu Wan would say such a thing.

It turned out that before Mu Wan said that she would give her the throne, it was all true, all true.

It's late, it's really late!
"Wang, you don't need to make concessions, I'll come!" Just when everyone's eyes were on Mu Wan, suddenly, the knife in Ah Xiao's hand moved towards Chen Lin.

"Ah..." The sudden change made everyone unable to react for a moment, and the only one who reacted was Mu Xin.

Because her eyes were on Chen Lin's expression from beginning to end, at that moment, when she saw Ah Xiao's knife heading towards Chen Lin, she flew towards him.

When the knife was cut on her body, although it hurt, she felt happy because she blocked it for Chen Lin. As long as Chen Lin was fine, she was willing to die.

(End of this chapter)

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