Chapter 624 Killing

However, what she didn't expect was that at the moment she was slashed by the knife, Chen Lin punched something into Mu Xin's body.

The moment Mu Wan saw Chen Lin make a move, it was already too late!

In the blink of an eye, a lot of black light shot out from Mu Xin's body.

At the same time as the black light flashed, the whole world began to change.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" Mu Xin could have avoided the moment Chen Lin made a move, but she couldn't.

She didn't even believe that Chen Lin would do anything to her.

She didn't believe it until the facts were placed in front of her.

She is the kind of person who doesn't look back until she bumps into Nanshan. Now, even if she looks back, it won't work anymore.

"Mu Xin, do you know how I felt when I saw you for the first time?" Looking at the light radiating from Mu Xin's body, the smile in Chen Lin's eyes deepened.

"When I saw you, I knew you would be the best candidate for the Black Silver Saint, so I want to stimulate all possible evil forces in your body, but it seems that my efforts are not enough!" Chen Lin When he said this, his eyes were firmly locked on Mu Xin's body, and there was excitement in his eyes.

Finally, his first black silver saint is about to be born!
He knew that it was not enough just relying on what he penetrated into her body, what he had to do now was to arouse the last trace of hatred in Mu Xin's heart, so as to make her become a black and silver saint.

"Ah..." A sharp cry came out from Mu Xin's throat.

Pain, the pain of the whole body swept Mu Xin, not only the pain in the body, but also the pain from the bottom of my heart.

This kind of pain is simply unbearable.

Even if she chooses to blew herself up, Mu Xin has never been in such pain, but now, she is in so much pain that she has nothing to love.

Death, perhaps, is the only relief, before she is controlled, she wants to be free.

But, can you get rid of it?
Of course, no!
The moment Chen Lin started to move, he couldn't stop.

It is not so easy to want to die.

The black light has already begun to cover the entire monster clan. If Mu Xin really becomes a black silver saint, then the whole monster clan will really be over.

The birth of the Black Silver Saint started with killing.

And this time the killing started from the Yaozu.

All of this was calculated by Chen Lin. What he wanted to achieve was the destruction of the Yaozu. Compared with obtaining the Yaozu, it was better to let it be destroyed.

If Ye Yayan is awake at this time, he will find that the whole world is filled with an evil energy, and this evil energy is enough to destroy the entire monster race.

"Wang, what should we do?" If everyone didn't know what Chen Lin was up to at this moment, then they were really stupid.

"Leave, leave here!" Retreat, they can only advance by retreating, otherwise, the entire monster clan will really be over!
It's just that they can't leave here at all, because a trap of beasts has been laid here!

Originally, the trapped beast array couldn't trap many monster clans, but the problem was the bloodline of the monster clans.

The monster clan has a part of the power of the monster in their bodies, which makes them trapped in the monster array.

"King, we are trapped!" The moment they found out that they were trapped, many monster races panicked. They really didn't expect that they would be trapped in the trapped beast formation, and they would be unable to break free.

"Yeah!" Mu Wan nodded. If it was just a trap, she wouldn't be worried. What she was worried about was that Chen Lin had another trick!

(End of this chapter)

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