Chapter 630 Afraid of Saying the Wrong Thing
"I also want to know about this point, but I don't think there will be any clues here. If you are really curious, I suggest you ask Ye Hongguang. Maybe he can answer your questions. Doubts in my heart!" When Ye Yayan said this, she had no other meaning at all, she was sincerely suggesting that Han Feng do this.

However, it was not the same thing when these words fell into Han Feng's ears.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Han Feng suddenly felt that he had crossed the line this time, how could he interfere with Ye Yayan's own housework, and it was still about Ye Yayan's mother.

Although Ye Yayan did not reveal any concern for Mu Wan, it can be seen from her reaction, after all, Mu Wan is her mother.

"I'm sorry!" Han Feng still took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"It's okay, it's true that I didn't say it's okay!" Ye Yayan didn't slap his face swollen to pretend to be fat, but it was indeed okay.

"Tell me, if this is really the place where the Yaozu used to live, does the extermination of the Yaozu have something to do with this place?" Soon, Han Feng changed the subject. He knew that in order to alleviate the embarrassment at this time, The subject must be changed.

"The extermination of the Yaozu has a lot to do with the Lord of the Dark Temple!" Before leaving the Yaozu, she saw Chen Lin's despicableness with her own eyes. If the extermination of the Yaozu has nothing to do with him, she should be killed Neither will believe it.

The extermination of the monster clan was absolutely caused by Chen Lin!
"Oh!" Han Feng nodded, and stopped expressing his opinion. He felt that every sentence he said was wrong now, and it was better for him not to open his mouth. At least, there would be no mistakes.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ye Yayan was not used to the rare silence.

"I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing!" Han Feng replied honestly, he was indeed afraid of saying the wrong thing.

Words spoken are like water poured out. Once spoken, it is difficult to take them back.

"You are still afraid of saying the wrong thing. Say it. It doesn't matter if you say the wrong thing. I can follow your wrong words and find the source. Sometimes, inadvertent words will solve the confusion!" Sometimes, indeed so.

"Well, I'll just talk about what I saw. I didn't aim to say that this place is where the Yaozu once lived. Although there are no traces of the Yaozu's life here, various phenomena show that here There are indeed traces of the life of the Yaozu.

The Yaozu has withdrawn from the stage of history. However, the former Yaozu was prosperous and brilliant. There are so many treasures here. Obviously, they were treasures collected by the entire Yaozu at that time. Besides, I really can’t think of it Come out, which senior can leave behind so many treasures!
Treasures, there is no one who doesn't like them. Even if the treasures left here are ascended, they will be taken away if possible. After all, no one thinks there are too many treasures, so the ones left by the predecessors are excluded.

And the reason why there are so many treasures here is because of the extermination of the monster clan. Under sudden circumstances, the monster clan was destroyed, and the treasures here were too late to be taken away, and they were stranded here. The reason for the place where the tribe once lived! "Han Feng spoke out what he observed in one go.

From entering here and seeing the murals on the stone wall, he believed so!

(End of this chapter)

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