The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 631 Surrounded by Treasures

Chapter 631 Surrounded by Treasures
Han Feng's words made Ye Yayan nod.

This makes sense!

Indeed, there are a lot of treasures here.

"No, if it is a place where the Yaozu used to live, why can only the local residents of the Sky Continent be able to enter here?" If it is a place where the Yaozu lived, isn't it because only people with the blood of the Yaozu can enter? ?
"This is really a problem!" This point was ignored by Han Feng, "However, I still think this is the place where the Yaozu lived. Even if it is not a place where they lived, it has a great relationship with the Yaozu. If the treasure appears, it will be fine!"

Just after Han Feng finished speaking, suddenly, the disappearing treasure appeared again, and it appeared in front of them very abruptly.

"What's the situation?" Han Feng looked at the treasure in front of him, his eyes were full of light, but he didn't directly reach out to take it.

His reason still exists, and he will not do such impulsive things.

You know, there is no good thing if you do something on impulse!
"Could it be that I said the treasure, and the treasure came out?" Han Feng looked at the treasure in front of him suspiciously.

These are indeed good treasures, this shiny treasure, if not for his good willpower, I am afraid that he would have already got the treasure by now.

And he also understands that if he makes a move, his life may be lost.

Therefore, at this moment, he had to suppress the fire of impulsiveness in his body. Although it made him a little nervous to watch, it was better than not having a life!
I have to say that Han Feng is a very rational person!
"It should be!" Ye Yayan agreed with Han Feng's words, this treasure should indeed appear after Han Feng said it.

"If my words are so effective, then can I say a few more words?" Han Feng is really addicted, if his words can summon treasures, he doesn't mind talking all the time.

"It's up to you!" Ye Yayan looked at Han Feng speechlessly, but she didn't expect him to have such a childish side.

"Baby, treasure, I want treasure, come out quickly!" Han Feng couldn't understand the meaning of Ye Ya's words at this time, and really shouted.

When the two thought it was a joke, all of a sudden, treasures filled their place, that is to say, they were surrounded by treasures.

What is this situation!
Both Ye Yayan and Han Feng looked at the treasures that suddenly appeared around them inexplicably.

These treasures, even if they just bring down the outside world, are enough to make people crazy, but now, they are all over them.

all of them!

However, they dare not touch it, let alone take it away.

They have seen the end of taking the treasure, so they can only watch the treasure appear in front of them, and they can't do anything.

"Don't you just look at it and do nothing?" Han Feng's heart was itching. It would be fine if he didn't see the treasure, but now, the treasure really appeared in front of them, and he could get it with his hand. But they can't do anything.

"Wait and talk!" Ye Yayan's heart was naturally itchy, if there are so many treasures, if they are all collected in Youlan Space, it will be a lot of money.

"I can't wait!" The more you wait, the more itchy your heart will become. Instead of this, it's better to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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