Chapter 642
"It's safe in the ground?" Ye Yayan's words made Han Feng confused for a while, but soon, he thought of the meaning of Ye Yayan's words.

Burying into the ground is indeed a good way, but it is somewhat difficult to implement in reality.

There doesn't seem to be much soil in this place, and it's not that these dead people have no fighting power. On the contrary, if their fighting power is placed outside, it will definitely be leveraged.

"If you want soil, I can provide it!" After a short silence, Han Feng suddenly said such a sentence.

After these words fell, Ye Yayan looked at Han Feng in surprise. She had no doubts about what he said, but the soil needed was not a little soil, but a lot, and it was a pile of soil. If that was all right, then of course she would be happy.

"Are you sure you can do it by yourself?" Since Han Feng said such a thing, he must also know how much soil he needs to provide.

"It's ok, but I'll lose my strength later!" He naturally knew how much the soil was going to cost. This time, he had to do his best, but after doing his best, he would completely collapse, and at that time, it would all depend on Ye Yayan.

"Don't worry, I'm the one who can trust my back!" Ye Yayan didn't say anything about relying on her, but it hit Han Feng's warm spot just right, and it reassured him more than anything else. .

Since she is someone who can trust her back, so is he!
At the moment, he didn't hesitate anymore, and he used the power in his body in his hands. In an instant, the yellow soil seemed to appear out of thin air, and more and more soil began to pile up in front of them.

Seeing the loess appearing, Ye Yayan made a move without stopping.

At this time, around Ye Yayan, there were "卍" characters appearing one by one. You must know that the evil spirit on the dead person is very heavy, and it must be the power of Buddhism and Taoism that can restrain the evil spirit. good.

"Go!" Following Ye Ya's words, the "卍" characters floated towards the dead people.

When the word "卍" fell on those dead people, Han Feng was a little strange to find that the dead people didn't move at that moment, and even obediently walked into the mound he made.

Yes, go!
The movement of the dead man was as if his head had been lowered. It was very strange. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

However, the fact is so, even if he doesn't believe it, there's nothing he can do about it.

Under Han Feng's gaze, these dead people walked slowly into the mound.

When the dead man was completely submerged in the mound, the movements of Ye Yayan's hands had changed. It was no longer the word "卍" flashing, but voices came out of her mouth.

This is... Sanskrit!
The Sanskrit sound curls up, making the whole body and mind seem to be empty.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, everything seems to be giving up!

The sound continued to reach the ears of Han Feng and the dead people. At that moment, Han Feng even forgot to continue exerting force.

Fortunately, Han Feng's abandonment did not have much impact on Ye Yayan.

After these dead people were buried in the mound, Ye Yayan arranged another formation, a formation to keep them in the mound forever.

Rays of light shot out from Ye Yayan's fingertips, reaching the mound of dirt.

With a soft plop, Han Feng sat down heavily on the ground, and Ye Yayan did the same!

(End of this chapter)

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