Chapter 643 Very Powerful

Out of strength, this time, not only Han Feng felt out of strength, but also Ye Yayan.

Her estimate was wrong!
She thought that such a situation would not happen this time, but she was indeed out of strength. Fortunately, no one appeared in the space at this time, and she would not be in danger.

However, her thinking was still too naive.

Since they had guessed that there were people in this cave before, and had been hiding in a dark corner and watching them secretly, it was obvious that their every move was from the people behind them, so they would naturally discover their situation, as the saying goes, Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, if they didn't act this time, they would be too sorry for themselves.

At that moment, after Ye Yayan and Han Feng dealt with these dead people, above their heads, a group of vampire bats just hovered above their heads.

"It seems that our good days are coming to an end!" After taking the elixir handed over by Ye Yayan, Han Feng's loss of strength has improved a lot. With the vampire bats above their heads, Han Feng felt that he was in danger this time.

Although these vampire bats have not stepped into the realm of monsters, their sharp teeth made him feel palpitations and a chilling feeling.

And he also knew that once bitten by a vampire bat, the toxin in the mouth of the vampire bat would enter his body, and then there would be no more.

Once the toxin enters the body, it is completely over.

He thought he was not invulnerable to all poisons, so he had to exterminate these flat-haired beasts the moment he was bitten by a vampire bat.

However, the current him has not yet regained his strength. If he confronts these vampire bats, he may be the one who loses.

"Bats are afraid of fire, we use fire!" Although this place is made of wood, as long as the fire is under control, nothing will happen.

This time, unlike the dead, the vampire bats would not fly towards them as long as they sacrificed the flames. As long as they controlled their own flames, they would not be afraid of burning the wooden walls.

"Ye Yayan, haven't you noticed that the environment we are in now makes it impossible to use fire?" At this time, the environment they are in has changed again. Before, there was still some empty space. It can accommodate a few people, and he also found that there is a different atmosphere in this space.

This kind of breath let Han Feng know that he couldn't use fire at all.

"Is it kerosene?" Ye Yayan's nose is also very sensitive. After Han Feng finished speaking, she could sense the smell of kerosene. Once she used fire, she would definitely be playing with fire and setting herself on fire.

Damn, it's so damn bad!

"Master, leave these little things to me!" When Ye Yayan was thinking about how to deal with these vampire bats, Feng Xi volunteered. To these vampire bats, Feng Xi is one tail.

Feng Xi didn't care whether Ye Yayan agreed or not, and shot directly from her wrist, flying towards the vampire bat.

I saw a flash of white light, then there was a crackling sound, whoosh, and the vampire bat fell directly from the top of the head. The vampire bat that fell to the ground was already dead.

"Your contracted beast is still very powerful!" Looking at the falling vampire bats, Han Feng said sincerely.

Powerful indeed!

(End of this chapter)

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