Chapter 644 Almost Bewitched
Infinite power erupted from its small body, and the little snake as thick as chopsticks was actually so tough, and its tail swept so fiercely.

With one sweep, a vampire bat fell down.

During this process, Han Feng and Ye Yayan are also constantly recovering their physical strength. They know that what they will face next is bound to be a bloody battle. If they don't restore their strength to the peak, they will be the ones to suffer .

Ye Yayan kept taking pills from the blue space, at this moment, only pills could restore their strength.

As time passed by, Ye Yayan and Han Feng sat quietly on the ground, with breath surging around them.

However, soon, they discovered that the environment they were in had changed again.

At this time, they were no longer in the claustrophobic space of the wooden structure, and now they actually appeared on the top of the snow mountain.

When Ye Yayan opened his eyes and saw the peak of the snow mountain, his body trembled unconsciously.

Snow mountain, peak!
This is what she is least willing to face, and it is also what she is most unwilling to touch in the depths of her heart.

Even though, at the top of the snow-capped mountain, she was just a passer-by for a moment, but she experienced everything with her own eyes. Such vivid memories, just like her own memories, will never fade away.

The Xueling tribe has always been a stalk in her heart!
She will definitely go back again, for revenge!
She will definitely kill that pair of dogs and men, no matter what they are now, she will kill them, kill them!
Ye Yayan's breathing became more and more rapid, and the black and white eye sockets were already red. At this time, Ye Yayan's chest was constantly rising and falling, and his whole body was murderous.

"Ye Yayan, Ye Yayan, what's wrong with you?" Han Feng found out that something was wrong with Ye Yayan.

At first, Han Feng didn't think there was anything strange, but soon, he found that something was wrong with Ye Yayan, at least, her breathing showed her current state.

Han Feng's voice didn't pull Ye Yayan into reality, Ye Yayan was still immersed in the scene of the extermination of the clan at the time.

The blood color has already started to fill the entire eye sockets, if this continues, Ye Yayan will have the tendency to go crazy.

Looking at Ye Yayan, who has been trapped in memories and cannot extricate himself, Han Feng doesn't know what to do.

He knew that if he didn't take action, Ye Yayan might fall into the devil's way and never wake up, but he didn't know what he should do.

After all, he has no experience!


Just when Han Feng was thinking about what to do, he suddenly heard Ye Yayan's cry of pain. Although the voice was not very loud, it did bring Ye Yayan back to reality, although her eyes were still glowing. It was red, but it was no longer that kind of scarlet, and judging from Ye Yayan's reaction, she was also awake.

Ye Yayan looked down at the trace of blood on her wrist, "Feng Xi, thank you!"

If it wasn't for Feng Xi's sip, I'm afraid Ye Yayan is still unable to extricate himself from the memories at this time. If he doesn't wake up at this time, then Ye Yayan will be completely trapped and trapped in the demon .

"Ye Yayan, do you have any bad memories here?" Ye Yayan's expression is too wrong, so wrong, only her past memories can cause such a situation.

It has to be said that Han Feng is a smart person, even if Ye Yayan didn't speak, he could think of this aspect.

"Yeah!" Ye Yayan nodded in a concise and concise manner. Such a memory cannot be wiped out even if it is reborn after death!

(End of this chapter)

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