Chapter 656 I was so stupid
The flame in Ye Yayan's hand was naturally not Fenshi Jinyan. If it were Fenshi Jinyan, Han Feng would not be weird, but frightened.

Regarding Ye Yayan's sudden offering of flames, Han Feng was a little puzzled.

Could it be that Ye Yayan is going to set fire to this place?

If it was at other times, there would be no problem with Ye Yayan sacrificing flames, but now, they can't get out of this space at all. Once she sets fire, it means that they will be in a sea of ​​flames.

If this is the case, he must stop it.

"Didn't you notice that when I sacrificed the flames, there was a film around us?" Ye Yayan suddenly said such a sentence when Han Feng didn't know why.

After saying this, Han Feng was surprised to find that a film had appeared around them. If Ye Yayan hadn't reminded him, he really wouldn't have noticed.

"What is this?" Han Feng looked at the membrane around him strangely. This membrane was like an invisible shackle, firmly trapping him inside.

"I don't know what it is, but I do know that as long as this layer of film is broken, then there is hope for us to go out!" This was also what Zhao Lei noticed when she was speaking.

Before, she didn't know how to find a breakthrough, but now, she knows how to do it!

After breaking this membrane, they can leave this place.

As for Zhao Lei, of course he was going to seek revenge from him, new hatred plus old hatred, and avenge him!

"Could it be enough to use fire?" If he used fire, he could also use it, but he was not as proficient in using it as Ye Yayan.

"Fire is just to look at the membrane on the body!" Obviously, using fire is not acceptable, and the reason why Ye Yayan sacrificed flames was just to see if his guess was correct.

Looking at it now, it is indeed the most correct!

The film is the key to leaving the formation.

"Then what do we need to do?" Since the fire doesn't work, what do they have to do.


"Ah?" Ye Yayan's words caught Han Feng off guard, he didn't understand what Ye Yayan was saying at all.

What is talking?

"I think you were so shrewd before that you were fed to dogs!" Ye Yayan was obviously very helpless. Didn't he notice the changes around her in the previous conversation with Han Feng?

"I..." After hearing Ye Yayan's words, Han Feng also knew what he had missed, but now let him recall, he really didn't know, if Ye Yayan didn't remind him, even if he remembered everything , he didn't know what Ye Yayan was talking about.

"Before, when I was talking to Zhao Lei, didn't you notice the change in this formation?" Ye Yayan looked at Han Feng helplessly, "Even if you are desperate, you shouldn't ignore everything around you. , at least in this way you still have a chance to flip!"

Helpless, full of helplessness!

Han Feng, when he is smart, he is also when he is stupid!

If she hadn't been by She's side this time, Ye Yayan could figure out what would happen to him after thinking about it.

He also said to protect her, but now it seems that she is protecting him!

"Cough cough cough... I really didn't notice it!" Han Feng's face turned red after being reminded by Ye Yayan.

It turned out that Ye Yayan already knew how to break the formation before he knew it, no wonder he signaled him not to speak before!

(End of this chapter)

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