The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 657 Start to fight back

Chapter 657 Start to fight back

Originally, he thought she told him not to speak because she didn't want to argue with Zhao Lei, but he didn't expect that Ye Yayan discovered the secret of the formation while they were talking.

Damn it, why didn't he pay attention to it before, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a mess now.

"You said you wanted to get Zhao Lei to talk?" After all, it was Han Feng, so it made sense. The reason why he was so stupid just now was that he didn't think about life, so he was so decadent. Now, he knew that the key to leaving was Zhao Lei. , at the moment, Han Feng was grinding his fists, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood!
"Yeah!" Finally, her words worked.

"But how do we talk to Zhao Lei?" This is the key point. If he knew that talking to Zhao Lei could break the formation, he would hurt Zhao Lei a few words.

"It depends on your means!" Ye Yayan became the hands-off shopkeeper, and she wanted to break the formation while they were talking, and leave here.

"Alas..." Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Han Feng sighed heavily.

This Ye Yayan really gave him a difficult task. He can talk to anyone, but he doesn't want to talk to Zhao Lei.

This jealous and narcissistic man, he really wanted to slap him in the face if he could.

But now, he has no choice but to talk to him, because the key to leaving here is still on him.

At that moment, Han Feng began to look for opportunities to talk to Zhao Lei.

It was also Ye Yayan and the others who were lucky, Zhao Lei did not leave this place, but sat leisurely on a big rock, quietly waiting for Ye Yayan's begging for mercy.

Zhao Lei was surprised by Han Feng's opening. Although he felt strange, he still spoke to Han Feng.

After all, being here alone is really boring.

And his opening gave Ye Yayan an opportunity.

Sure enough, the key to unraveling this formation lies in Zhao Lei.

As the conversation between Han Feng and Zhao Lei deepened, a smile slowly appeared on Ye Yayan's face.

Hurry up, get out of here soon.


When a sound like glass shattering sounded, Zhao Lei knew something had happened, which was obviously a harbinger of the formation being broken.

When thinking that Ye Yayan and Han Feng were about to break out, Zhao Lei's first reaction was to run away!
Yes, escape!
He is best at formations, if he is against other people, maybe he still has a chance to fight, but this time, it is Ye Yayan and Han Feng.

If they break out, he will be finished!

At that moment, he was about to run away, but he was still a step too late.

Just one step away, he was trapped like this.

Yes, trapped, the moment Ye Yayan and Han Feng broke out, Ye Yayan made a move.

Doesn't he like to trap people in the formation, so let him try the feeling of being trapped in the formation. Thinking about it, this taste is absolutely wonderful.

"Zhao Lei, I really want to hear your begging for mercy now~" The so-called division of water takes turns, that's what it says.

Now, it was Ye Yayan's turn to fight back.

"Ye Yayan, if I hadn't shown him some color!" After Han Feng found out that Ye Yayan was only trapping Zhao Lei's actions, he felt a little reconciled. To deal with this kind of person, he had to use ruthless methods.

"I still have some things to ask, let's do it, not in a hurry!" Yes, not in a hurry, what she wants is a gradual process.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, the smile in Han Feng's eyes deepened. Sure enough, whoever provokes Ye Yayan will not end well!
(End of this chapter)

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