Chapter 658

"Ye Yayan, I underestimated you. I want to know how you cracked this formation?" Zhao Lei is very confident in the formation he arranged. It was impossible to break the formation he had arranged, but now, they broke out, and more importantly, he was still trapped by them.

In the blink of an eye, he was just trapped like this, trapped aggrievedly.

It's a good thing there is no one else now, otherwise, if someone else saw him, where would his face be?

At this time, in Zhao Lei's view, it was not a question of whether he would get out of trouble, but a question of his face.

"Break the formation, naturally with the help of external force!" Ye Yayan raised the corners of his lips when he heard Zhao Lei's words, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Zhao Lei still didn't know that they borrowed his strength to get out of trouble!

"Who?" Zhao Lei realized the problem after Ye Yayan's words came out. The so-called borrowing of external force can only be him.

There is no one here, and there is no power that she can rely on, only herself.

But is this possible?
In his opinion, this is completely a fantasy!
But it was the Arabian Nights that made Ye Yayan escape from trouble.

"Among the audience, who else is there besides you? Zhao Lei, don't think people are so stupid!" Poke my heart!

"Me? What power?" Even though he had guessed it, he still couldn't bear to hear Ye Yayan say it.

"Voice, your voice!" Ye Yayan didn't hide it, after all, there was nothing to hide.


Hearing Ye Yayan's conversation, Zhao Lei was stunned on the spot. He thought about all kinds of things, but never thought about the voice. Could it be because of this that Han Feng talked to him before?
Before, he thought it was strange that Han Feng was looking for trouble for nothing, but now he realized that before he knew it, he had stepped into the trap they had set up.

Damn, it's too much!

Zhao Lei thought about Ye Yayan and the others' excess, but never thought about how despicable he was. In his opinion, Ye Yayan and the others had gone too far.

"Zhao Lei, we people don't speak dark words. Since you have fallen into my hands, you should know what I want to ask you!" Ye Yayan didn't want to give Zhao Lei time to talk nonsense. things.

" really think me stupid! If I say this, my life will be saved!" After all, Zhao Lei is also the patriarch of the clan. Although Ye Yayan doesn't admit it, at least he is, and this is smart There are still.

He knew that Ye Yayan would not let him go, but if he didn't say what Ye Yayan wanted to know, then he would still have his life, but if he said it, he would jump into the fire pit himself.

Of course he wouldn't cheat himself.

"It's okay if you don't say it. At worst, I'll work harder and use Soul Search!" Ye Yayan said the word "Soul Soul" very lightly. After the words fell, Zhao Lei's face turned pale one slice.

He is not ignorant, so he naturally knows what soul searching means, which is why he is afraid.

If Ye Yayan really uses Soul Search, then even if he doesn't die, he will become an idiot, and this is what he doesn't want!

But let him say it himself, he can't do it.

At this moment, he was caught in a dilemma...

(End of this chapter)

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