Chapter 659 Experiments

However, Ye Yayan did not give him the right to make a choice.

"Zhao Lei, whether you talk about me or not, I can know, and you don't have to think of threatening words to make me give up, because you don't have the qualifications!" Not so in my ears.

In this case, it is enough to drive him into hell.

"" Zhao Lei was completely speechless by Ye Yayan's words, and could only look at her bitterly. If eyes could kill, Ye Yayan would have died countless times.

She didn't even know that Zhao Lei's eyes were so lethal. Fortunately, no matter how lethal Zhao Lei's eyes were, it had nothing to do with her, because he had no chance to live in this world, as Ye Yayan said Well, no matter if he said it or not, she would know that he couldn't afford to turn up too many troubles.

"Yaozu, who else is there?" Even if Zhao Lei said those names, she didn't know them, but she at least had how many people left in Yaozu.

"It's just a few, you think the reproduction of the monster race is so powerful!" Zhao Lei's voice this time was very calm, so calm that there was a kind of tranquility before the storm.

Reproduction is not strong?
When these five words appeared in her mind, Ye Yayan's expression changed slightly, as if she knew something.

"Could you be experimental subjects?" Before Ye Yayan could think about it in depth, Han Feng who was at the side asked such a sentence abruptly, a sentence that surprised Ye Yayan.

"Hahaha..." After hearing Han Feng say the words "test product", Zhao Lei actually laughed out loud, and the laughter pierced the sky.

Is it true?
Otherwise, why did Zhao Lei look so miserable?
If it is true, her previous speculations are not valid.

"That's right, those of us who survived are all experimental products!" Just as Ye Yayan's head was spinning at high speed, Zhao Lei gave a clear answer.

They are indeed experiments, experiments between humans and monsters.

What a sad word!

Ye Yayan was obviously taken aback when she heard what Zhao Lei said, but she didn't expect Zhao Lei to say it so easily.

"Ye Yayan, let me ask you a question, do you have the blood of the demon king in your body?" This is what Zhao Lei wants to know the most. They are just experimental products, but Ye Yayan is different from them, that kind of difference , he noticed it right away, but he couldn't be sure.

Of course, he guessed that Ye Yayan had the blood of the demon king in his body, because he heard some rumors, rumors passed down from the demon clan.

"Yes!" Ye Yayan said it directly, without even hesitating.

Before, maybe I wanted to hide it, but now it is unnecessary, because Mu Wan has already appeared.

The appearance of Mu Wan will disrupt all the arrangements, since this is the case, she will add chaos to the chaos!

"Sure enough!" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Zhao Lei's eyes flickered slightly. Does the appearance of the demon king's blood mean the rise of the demon clan?
Only when people with the blood of the demon king appear, can the demon clan reach its peak.

However, this time, the demon king didn't die, but someone with the blood of the demon king appeared. What does it mean?
Ye Yayan looked at Zhao Lei, who looked a little strange, and stared at him strangely, with the intention of finding out...

(End of this chapter)

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