The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 695 Let Everyone in the Continent Know

Chapter 695 Let Everyone in the Continent Know


Everyone sighed heavily, they felt that their life was completely in vain.

These people came here aggressively. They thought it was a very difficult matter, but they didn't expect that not only was it not difficult, but it was also very easy. However, the person they met was this kind of person, which made them feel like they didn't know what to say. look.

"Let me do it!" Someone finally stood up. If he didn't stand up, I'm afraid it won't be solved even until dark.

"I know, you want me to open the secret treasure, but now, I don't even know what the secret treasure is!" Ye Yayan stood in place, his face was calm, without any reaction, but he fell In the eyes of everyone, it is not the case.

If they still thought that Ye Yayan was a dou who could not be supported before, then after she asked this sentence, their views on Ye Yayan have changed.

The people present were all sophisticated people, since Ye Yayan asked this, she must know something, otherwise, she would not have said such a thing.

Secret storage, for them, is also a very yearning place, let alone others.

That is the place where the mighty were buried. There are countless treasures there, but they are also full of dangers. The most important thing is that if you want to enter there, you must have the owner of the Burning World Golden Flame to open it.

After so many years, Fenshi Jinyan has never appeared in the world. This time, if Ye Yayan hadn't sacrificed Fenshi Jinyan, I don't know how long it would be silent.

Fortunately, everything is over.

"You are the key to open the secret treasure. There are countless treasures in the secret treasure. When the time comes, you will know what the secret treasure is!" Obviously, everyone is unwilling to say more. In their hearts, the secret treasure is the way they get the treasure. Naturally, you will not share everything you know with others.

"Let's go!" Ye Yayan also understood that these people would never tell her everything they knew. People are selfish animals, especially when it comes to treasures, so they naturally keep their mouths shut.

"It's still on the right track!" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, everyone nodded slightly.

If Ye Yayan continued to talk, it might not be so simple to let her stand where she is.

They have plenty of ways to get her out of here!

Ye Yayan didn't know what method they used to travel between the two continents. Anyway, when she opened her eyes, she found that she was already in a place full of spiritual energy. Obviously, they had left Li Tianxing The continent where Luo Lihao was located came to the continent where Luo Lihao was located.

"This is the secret hiding place?" Ye Yayan acted like a fool to let them relax their vigilance.

"No, we still have to think about it in the long run!" The secret treasure is not their thing, since they have found the key to unlock the secret treasure, now, they should inform the public and let everyone enter the secret treasure together.

"I've become a favorite now, will my safety be guaranteed?" Ye Yayan looked at the crowd with a smile on her face. I'm afraid everyone should do their best to protect her now. Yan's owner, if there is a problem with her safety, none of them can enter the secret storehouse.

"Of course!" This is a matter of course, Ye Yayan, they will not let her suffer any harm.

"Then people in the whole continent will know about my appearance on this continent?" If this is the case, then Luo Lihao will also receive the news. What kind of reaction?
(End of this chapter)

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