Chapter 696 Horror
"Well, secret possession is not the business of the few of us, we must let the people of the whole continent know!" If they do it secretly, they will become the sinners of the whole continent, so we must let the people of the whole continent know .

Whether or not to go to the secret storehouse is their business, but they must tell everyone that the key to unlock the secret storehouse has been found.

"You guys are righteous!" If it were someone else, they would definitely not do this, but what is the key to their doing so?
Ye Yayan doesn't think that they are righteous and will tell the matter, so they must have some purpose.

"There are too many dangers in the secret store, even if people from all over the continent go in, it doesn't matter!" This statement is righteous, but the truth is that it needs a lot of cannon fodder.

Only when a large amount of cannon fodder enters the secret storage can they be safe and sound.

Thinking of this, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Ye Yayan's lips.

Sure enough, there are no so-called good people in this world.

Of course, Ye Yayan didn't think that these people were good people. They were able to catch her from a long distance. Obviously, they were not good people at this point.

However, their only favor was probably to bring her here.

In fact, it was Ye Yayan's intention to sacrifice the Burning World Golden Flame.

This time, she was breaking the boat and calculating step by step. Fortunately, all the calculations were under her control.

"Yan'er, you are so bold!" At this moment, Luo Lihao also knew that Ye Yayan had come to his continent, and he could only sigh helplessly for her arrival.

Others may not know the purpose of Ye Yayan, but he knows it. After knowing Ye Yayan's arrival, his heart is both excited and worried. Fortunately, he also knows that Ye Yayan is not sure if he doesn't fight. battle.

Three days later, the entire continent knew that Ye Yayan was the owner of the Fenshi Jinyan. In three days, everyone went from every corner of the mainland to the place where the secret stash was located.

They had waited countless years for this moment, and finally, the time of waiting was coming.

On this day, Ye Yayan also saw Luo Lihao who had been separated for a long time.

Ye Yayan's eyes turned red unconsciously when she saw Luo Lihao, but she didn't fly to where he was, but just stood there calmly, suppressing the restlessness in her heart.

She knew that she couldn't, at least not now, go to where Luo Lihao was.

At this time, what Ye Yayan didn't know was that in a certain corner of the crowd, after seeing her, someone's eyes were full of shock, and those tiger eyes were full of horror!
In the past, with Ye Yayan's vigilance, she might have noticed a fiery gaze looking at her, but now she is all focused on Luo Lihao, so she has no time to pay attention to other things.

Ye Yayan didn't notice, it doesn't mean that other people didn't notice, although the man's eyes only changed for a moment, but the change of this moment was caught by others, when they found the man's expression of shock, they The look in Ye Yayan's eyes also became strange.

Could it be that they know each other?

It is said that this person named Ye Yayan came from another continent, not a native of this continent. If so, there is no relationship between them. However, why would he have such a reaction?
(End of this chapter)

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