Chapter 697 My Daughter
"Boss, do you know her?" The person who has always been calm before the collapse of Mount Tai suddenly changed his face at this time, which made them strange.

"The specific situation, we will talk about it when we come out. Now, I want you to guarantee her safety!" Di Batian looked at the people beside him and said. Next, he also guaranteed her life safety.

"Boss, tell us a little bit about it, it also prepares us mentally!" For some reason, they always felt that this woman was somewhat similar to their boss, but they couldn't tell what the specific similarities were.

That's what it feels like!
This feeling made them feel as if there were thousands of cat claws scratching their hearts, which was very uncomfortable.

"She may be my daughter!" When Di Batian said this, a touch of tenderness appeared on his resolute face. If these nympho girls saw this, they would definitely scream loudly.

"Daughter? Boss, are you joking?" They couldn't believe it. They really couldn't believe that their boss would have a beautiful daughter.

Wait, when did their boss pop out a daughter?
"Do you think I'm going to be joking?" Di Batian's eyes were sharp. Although it is not 80.00% sure yet, there is an [-]% possibility that she, Ye Yayan, is his daughter!

"Of course, no, but..."

"Don't think about it. Is she my daughter? After this is over, you will naturally know. Now, all you have to do is to ensure her safety!" This is the most important point.

Even if it can't be confirmed yet, they must ensure her safety before it is confirmed.

"Understood!" Everyone nodded, indicating that they knew.

Whether it was or not, all they had to do now was to keep her safe.

At this time, Ye Yayan didn't know that there was a group of people silently protecting her without her knowing.

"Is she really the owner of Fenshi Jinyan?" Everyone still couldn't believe Ye Yayan, Ye Yayan's appearance was too deceptive, such a person would be chosen by Fenshi Jinyan .

"Of course, we saw it with our own eyes!" Everyone reacted like this, and those who have been here can understand it. If they hadn't seen Fen Shi Jinyan being sacrificed by her with their own eyes, I am afraid they would not believe it. Fen Shi Jinyan, Such an arrogant flame would choose someone like Ye Yayan.


Suddenly, Di Batian snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

His daughter is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. His daughter being selected by Fenshi Jinyan is a blessing from Fenshi Jinyan's previous life, not as they said.

Fen Shi Jinyan is nothing but wool, in his eyes, he is not even a fart.

Of course, they couldn't know what Di Batian was thinking at this time, but just such a cold snort attracted everyone's attention. Naturally, Ye Yayan also looked at Di Batian.

The moment Ye Yayan's gaze caught sight of Di Batian, her eyes suddenly opened wide, with an inconceivable look in them.

Why does this man give her the feeling of being connected by blood?

Could it be, could it be?
Ye Yayan looked at Di Batian with weird eyes, and Luo Lihao who was beside him had a smile flashing in his eyes the moment he found Di Batian...

(End of this chapter)

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