Chapter 698
It seems that he is not the only one protecting Ye Yayan, but also him!

Luo Lihao knew about Di Batian's brothers, and with their protection, Ye Yayan's life would be guaranteed.

Ye Yayan's eyes just looked at Di Batian steadfastly, without blinking, just staring at him firmly.

is it him?
Is it her father?

If not, why did she feel that the blood was connected?

Ye Yayan's gaze was too hot, which made Di Batian a little bit overwhelmed, but now, it's not a good time to recognize each other, and now they have to keep aloof, otherwise, his opponent will Eyes focused on her.

Now, the last thing he wanted was for Ye Yayan to get hurt.

If it was only 80.00% that Ye Yayan was his daughter before, now it has reached [-]%.

From Ye Yayan's eyes, he saw a hint of disbelief.

Sure enough, the connection between bloodlines is very strong!

Even if they didn't know each other before, they would feel that they were each other the moment they saw it.

This feeling is not something ordinary people can sense!

"Ye Yayan, open the secret store now!" Everyone signaled Ye Yayan to open the door of the secret store. Unfortunately, after hearing the words, Ye Yayan didn't do anything, just stood there in a daze.

It's not that she doesn't want to make a move, but that she doesn't know what to do.

Yes, she does not know!
She is also curious about secret treasures, she naturally wants to know what secret treasures are, but the point is, she doesn't know how to open them at all!

Ye Yayan's reaction made everyone look at each other in dismay.

Those who captured her knew her well, and knew that this fool's head was full of paste. I'm afraid, so far, she still doesn't know how to open the secret storehouse.

I have to say that everyone really guessed right.

"You just need to sacrifice the Burning World Golden Flame, and that's it!" When he said these words, the man's face was full of helplessness.

He had to be helpless, he really didn't expect that the person selected by Fen Shi Jinyan would be so stupid, it was as stupid as his grandma's.

Even for such a simple thing, he had to remind him that if it was his daughter, he would strangle her to death before she grew up. I have never seen such a stupid thing.

If Di Batian knew about this person's psychological activities, he might not be able to take it easy.

His woman can tolerate him to judge her.

Fortunately, this person was just thinking about it in his heart, and didn't make any drastic moves.

"So that's how it is!" You have to pretend to be a bit of a fool, what's more, this time, it's really not pretending to be a fool, she really doesn't know.

Being brought into this continent, she was actually not mentally prepared, especially when she came here to open the secret store. Obviously, her level is not that high.

Fortunately, she has a good psychological endurance. If it were someone else, she might not be able to bear it.

"Hurry up!"

"When will this dawdling last!"

"If this continues, it will be dark!"

"Don't you still want to invite us to eat and let go!"


After waiting for a long time, everyone finally couldn't hold back anymore and spoke out one after another.

"Hmph..." Just as everyone opened the chatter, suddenly, another cold hum came into everyone's ears.

When the cold hum sounded, the scene became completely silent...

(End of this chapter)

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