Chapter 699 Daughter Control

Di Batian really couldn't listen anymore. If it wasn't for his daughter, he would definitely not do this, but the problem now is that the person in front of him is his daughter. In front of him, he said that his daughter did not directly Killing them is already giving them face.

If they continue this nonsense, he promises to give them a very good memory.

Hearing this cold snort, the corners of Ye Yayan's lips curled up, bright and colorful.

Even if it was just a cold snort, Ye Yayan's mood was lifted.

This feeling seems pretty good!
The feeling of being protected is quite good!

In fact, Ye Yayan is a very easy-to-satisfy person, she only needs to pay a little care, and she will feel that she has the whole world.

After Di Batian saw the curvature of Ye Yayan's lips, a smile appeared on his resolute face.

Even though it was just a trace, it was enough to surprise everyone!
Is this the rhythm of red rain?
"Brother, why do I think our boss is controlled by a daughter?"

"It's not just you who think so, I think so too!"

"God, return our mighty boss!"


After seeing the smile on Di Batian's face, the brothers of Di Batian started talking. In their hearts, the mighty and unsmiling boss had the tendency to turn into a warm man. How can this be good!
Their boss has been cool all the way to the end, and now, there is such tenderness, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that the tender man in front of them is their boss.

woo woo woo...

Ye Yayan's eyes looked towards the place where Di Batian was, and the corners of his lips raised slightly. This feeling of being protected is really good.

"Is it enough to sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame?" With the improvement of his strength, it is not so difficult for Ye Yayan to sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame, even if it lasts for ten minutes.

"That's right, as long as you sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame, the secret door will be activated!" Although this is just a record, and no one has ever opened it, the record should be correct!

"Are you sure?" For some reason, Ye Yayan always felt that this person was a little evasive, as if he didn't know.

"Cough cough just try it first!" Ye Yayan asked him such a rhetorical question, but he lost his confidence.

"Try?" Ye Yayan looked at the speaker with a strange look in her eyes, and she felt weird no matter how she looked at it.

"Anyway, it won't cost money to try, so just try it!" As soon as Ye Yayan said this, his whole body trembled, and his eyes became strange.

If so, try it.

Suddenly, everyone felt a burst of burning heat. Even if they stood far away, they could feel the burning power, and even their souls seemed to be burning.

Such heat made everyone's eyes excited.

Fenshi Jinyan, it really is Fenshi Jinyan.

The burning power of the Burning World Jinyan is the strongest power in the world.

For the first time, they felt that they were so small, even if there was only a small cluster of flames, they felt a feeling that a mountain was insurmountable.

This feeling is really very bad.

However, there was a smile on Di Batian's face. He was proud of such Ye Yayan. This is his daughter, who is above everything and can despise everything!
(End of this chapter)

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