The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 703 Who is the predestined person

Chapter 703 Who is the predestined person

The arrows shot over densely, so densely that there was nowhere to hide, so they could only head straight up.

If it is a mass phobia, I am afraid that even if the arrow does not hit the person, they will faint to death.

Ye Yayan felt his scalp tingle when he saw this density.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan is not a dense phobic person, otherwise, she would really be over.

The moment Ye Yayan saw the arrows shooting towards her, Ye Yayan took out the Vulcan whip, and the Vulcan whip danced, and circles of flames shot out from the Vulcan whip, catching the arrows coming towards her. Yato blocked from the body.

The arrows fell on the ground one by one, but the speed at which she swung the Vulcan whip was not as fast as the arrows. In addition, as time passed, Ye Yayan's wrist also became sore. If it continues, the arm will be useless.

The arrows still haven't decreased. On the contrary, there are more trends. If this continues, she will be shot into a hedgehog.

"Master, Burning World Jinyan!" Bai Ze reminded.

Now that the Fenshi Jinyan has been exposed, it is better to reveal it directly. Furthermore, it seems to be a good thing for Ye Yayan to sacrifice the Fenshi Jinyan in the secret store, although it does not know what the situation is , but it has a feeling that using the Burning World Jinyan here will be of great benefit to Ye Yayan.

For Bai Ze's words, Ye Yayan has always been very obedient, no, after Bai Ze's words fell behind, Ye Yayan directly sacrificed the Burning Golden Flame.

As soon as Fenshi Jinyan came out, in the blink of an eye, the arrows that had been shooting continuously from all directions just now disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before. Yayan couldn't accept it.

The speed of this disappearance was too fast. If it wasn't for the remaining arrows on the ground, Ye Yayan would think that what he saw before was a hallucination.

"Bai Ze, can I go here unimpeded?" As long as I sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame, I don't have to be afraid of anything here. If this is the case, it would be great.

"I'm afraid not!" If it was before, maybe there is still this possibility, but now, it is not sure.

In itself, Ye Yayan has the Fenshi Jinyan in his body, even if he does not summon the Fenshi Jinyan out of his body, he will not be attacked, but now, only after the Fenshi Jinyan is sacrificed, Ye Yayan will not be attacked. Attack, so it is not sure whether Ye Yayan will be attacked.


Ye Yayan sighed heavily, originally thought that he had an advantage over others, but now it seems that there is no such thing at all, they are treated equally.

"Bai Ze, did you say something big? What's the situation?" Before, Bai Ze said something big, but now, she doesn't know what the problem is.

"You should know that the secret treasure is the place where the ancient powerful ones buried their corpses. There are countless treasures here, but there are very few people who can take away the treasures. Those people are predestined people chosen by the powerful. , will be directly obliterated, so you should understand the cruelty here!
Before, what I said was a big deal, not that the Almighty has chosen a predestined person, but that someone has touched the trap here, so that the whole secret storehouse is in a kind of danger, no matter whether it is predestined or not. Whether you are a person or not, this time, you will face constant challenges and crises, and the only thing that can be resolved is..." Bai Ze did not continue, but looked at Ye Yayan...

(End of this chapter)

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