Chapter 704 There is no way

"Me?" Ye Yayan pointed at herself, her eyes full of surprise.

Is she going to be the savior?

How can it be?

Now, is everyone's hope pinned on her?

Don't stress too much!

"Yes, it's you. In this world, you are the only one who owns the Fenshi Jinyan, and the Fenshi Jinyan is a flame that restrains any evil. The so-called burial place of the powerful is actually at the hands of evil spirits. Only you who have the Fenshi Jinyan Jin Yan's people are not afraid of everything here. Tell me, if they want to get out alive, do they want to pin their hopes on you? However, I am afraid that everyone has not realized this at this time. When they realize this, What do you think will happen to you?" Every sentence of Bai Ze has a profound meaning.

If the ability to comprehend this is poor, you will not be able to guess the meaning of its words at all.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan is a smart person, as soon as Bai Ze said this, Ye Yayan realized what it meant.

Now, if everyone hasn't noticed, then she is safe. Once everyone realizes that only Ye Yayan is the reason for them to live, what will they do to Ye Yayan?

One can imagine!
"I'm going to find Li Hao and father... kiss!" When Ye Yayan uttered the word "father", she was still somewhat incoherent, not because she couldn't yell, but because she didn't know how to say it.

Although Di Batian only took a few glances, Ye Yayan knew from these few glances that this man was absolutely upright and uncompromising. This man was different from Ye Hongguang, and also fundamentally different from Mu Wan. He must be a good father.

Therefore, she wanted to find the two of them, the two most important men in her life, in the shortest possible time.

"You'd better save your energy, this place is not what you want to find, and you can't appear here so carelessly, now you should find a place to hide!" Once everyone responded If he came over, Ye Yayan's situation would be in danger.

Although there will be no danger to her life, her actions will be controlled in the future. Bai Ze knows Ye Yayan's temper. Once her freedom is restricted, it will definitely make her worse than killing her. uncomfortable.

So, at this moment, what they need to do is to find a place to hide instead of standing like this.

"Hide in the blue space, and then I will push the blue space to find Luo Lihao?" The blue space has excellent concealment, as long as she hides in the blue space, no one will find her exist.

"Hiding in the blue space is a good choice, but once you push it, it will be completely exposed, even the fact that you own the blue space bracelet will be exposed, so, do you think it's okay?" Bai Ze didn't deny Ye Yayan's words, but asked her back.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Yayan fell silent.

Indeed, as Bai Ze said, once she activates the Youlan bracelet, she will lose her last secret, which is definitely not worth the candle.

"Then what should we do?" At this moment, Ye Yayan had no clue at all.

"Cold salad!" Bai Ze rolled his eyes, because he didn't know what to do at this time.

Reality makes it impossible to make a choice.

This place is too empty, there is not even a place to hide, and Ye Yayan at this time is like a luminous sphere, if it is not covered up, it will be easy to be found.

What should they do?
(End of this chapter)

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