Chapter 708
"You guys, why are you looking for my daughter!" A domineering voice broke the silence of the scene at this time, and Di Batian appeared in front of everyone while speaking.

"Daughter? What does that mean?"

"Di Batian's daughter is Ye Yayan?"

"Impossible! When did he have a daughter?"

"Could it be a daughter?"

"Wow, what a daughter!"


As soon as Di Batian's words fell, everyone started to talk. The words inside and outside of the words all expressed one meaning, that is, Di Batian was talking nonsense.

After so many years, Di Batian has always been single. Where did the daughter come from? If it is a daughter, the possibility of being a daughter is the greatest.

But is this possible?
At this time, Ye Yayan didn't care what others said. After hearing Di Batian's words, her eyes became hot. After experiencing the scene of Mu Wan, Di Batian said such words, which made Ye Yayan hide The tears in the eyes finally fell down.

He, this is to be an enemy of everyone present, in order to keep his daughter, that is, her!
"Looking for death!" Hearing what the crowd said, Di Batian was furious and attacked them directly.

Di Batian's attack was so fierce that even if everyone wanted to dodge it, they couldn't dodge it. In addition, this time Di Batian was determined to kill.


A scream sounded, and everyone realized that the person who spoke the loudest just now was decapitated.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!
Di Batian was trying to make an example to the monkeys. He couldn't tolerate his daughter being so contemptuous, even by speaking.

This blow silenced the scene.

"Say it, you guys keep talking! Didn't you say it very vigorously just now! Go on, I don't mind making a move!" Di Batian's words left everyone speechless.

They want to say it, but you don't want to hear it at all, they still want their own lives, so naturally they dare not say it again.

"Yan'er!" After everyone was silent, Di Batian spoke again, but this time, it was in a very gentle tone, the voice that would melt if you held it in your mouth, and would break if you held it in your palm. The corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

They have seen Di Batian's extremely domineering side, and his murderous side, but they have never seen such a tender side. They are really not used to such a Di Batian.

This kind of Emperor Batian makes people feel like he is wandering outside in his skin.

This feeling is really bad.

Fortunately, Di Batian's side didn't last long, otherwise, everyone would really be unable to bear it.

However, soon, following Ye Yayan's two words, Di Batian's domineering face unexpectedly showed that kind of silly expression. This expression matched Di Batian's face, which really made people They couldn't bear it, especially Di Batian's brothers, seeing the smile on Di Batian's face, they couldn't wait to slap him.

"Father... Dear..." Ye Yayan yelled these two words sticky, these two words made her feel like a mountain was pressing on her body, but after yelling these two words, Ye Yayan suddenly There is a feeling of relaxation, and her realm has improved a lot again.

Father and mother are really heavy for her. After experiencing the scene of Mu Wan, the current Emperor Batian makes her feel very satisfied and happy.

"Well, daughter!" The smile on Di Batian's face was so silly and naive, which made Ye Yayan's face also raise a gorgeous smile...

(End of this chapter)

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