Chapter 709
That waxy voice melted Di Batian's heart.

After waiting for so long, the daughter he had been waiting for for so long finally appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help but walk towards Ye Yayan.

However, when he saw Luo Lihao standing beside him, he frowned unconsciously.

The son-in-law is the worst!
"Get out of the way!" Di Batian's voice was fierce, and he directly and decisively signaled Luo Lihao to get out of the way.

Don't let him disturb their father and daughter's intimacy.

But, is Luo Lihao so easy to dismiss?
Obviously, impossible!

Not only did he not leave, but he took Ye Yayan into his arms.

Chi Guo really challenged Di Batian!
My husband is the most annoying thing!
"Boy, the price of angering me is not something you can bear!" Di Batian looked at Luo Lihao fiercely.

He also knew Luo Lihao, a guy who was quite optimistic at first, but he didn't expect to be so dishonest. He wanted to take his daughter away from him, it was a dream!
"Father, are you willing to do it?" If you want to say thick-skinned, Luo Lihao is definitely ranked well, no, he even said the word "father", and the smile on his face made Di Ba God hates his teeth itching.

He was very willing, but after seeing Ye Yayan's beautiful face full of helplessness, he really couldn't bear it.

Damn, this kid is really a thief, without blinking an eye, he will eat people until there is not even a bone left!

When Ye Yayan heard Luo Lihao's good words, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, but she didn't expect Luo Lihao to say that.

And if not for the majesty of Di Batian and Luo Lihao, the people on the side would have laughed out loud by now.

They had a great time watching the play, but they still couldn't bear the suppressed laughter.

If this drama continues, I'm afraid they will all laugh.

How to do?
If this is laughed out, I'm afraid they will all suffer!

"Cough cough cough...boss, are we going to stand here forever?" Entering the secret storehouse has been their goal for so many years, but after entering the secret storehouse, they seem to have found nothing, not even the treasure, but ended up with nothing. He was injured all over, and now, the key to leaving is still on Ye Yayan, so...

After saying this, everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Yayan. They had to rely on her to enter here, and she had to rely on her to leave. This made them a little embarrassed!

"Daughter, daddy gave you a meeting gift!" Di Batian didn't care what others said, and directly took out a necklace from his interspatial ring.

This necklace is also a space, and the treasures inside are collected by Emperor Batian over the years.

"Thank you, father!" Ye Yayan took the necklace that Di Batian handed over with trembling hands, Ye Yayan didn't refuse the necklace, but happily hung it around his neck.

Whatever was inside, it was her first gift from her father.

"Father, I have something for you too!" Ye Yayan also took out the gift that he had prepared long ago.

"This is the Obsidian Sword?" Ye Yayan's gift to Di Batian was nothing else, but an artifact—the Obsidian Sword. This sword was found in the Youlan Space. After seeing this At the moment of the sword, she thought of Di Batian. Although she had never seen Di Batian at that time, she instinctively felt that it was suitable!

(End of this chapter)

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