The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 710 The Domineering Father

Chapter 710 The Domineering Father

"Well, the Obsidian Sword, when I saw it, I thought it was suitable for my father!" When Ye Yayan said this, his eyes were full of admiration.

Sure enough, this obsidian sword is very suitable for Di Batian.

"Ah! Niece, I want it too!"

"Meeting gift, I also have it, and you have to give it back!"

"Little niece, give me some!"


After Ye Yayan took out the Obsidian Sword, Di Batian's brothers went a little crazy.

The Obsidian Sword, this is what they have always wanted, but they never thought that it would be given to Emperor Batian by their little niece.

If it was given by other people, maybe they can still get along with it, but unfortunately, this is Ye Yayan's first gift to Di Batian, they dare not say anything, and they dare not even touch it.

"Yan'er, what you have on your wrist is..." Di Batian really likes the Obsidian Sword. In fact, no matter what Ye Yayan brings out, he likes it. But now, his focus is not on the black sword. Yaojian, but the blue bracelet on her wrist.

"It is said that it was given by my mother!" When Ye Yayan said the word "mother", she was somewhat conflicted. Obviously, she still couldn't let it go.

"Hehe..." After hearing Ye Yayan's words, Di Batian actually laughed. That smile made Ye Yayan feel a little weird.

"Youlan bracelet is not something she can get!" Di Batian's words were transmitted to Ye Yayan's ears through sound insulation.

After saying this, Ye Yayan's eyes became complicated. It seemed that there was a secret hidden here.

Is it really necessary to peel off the cocoon?

"What about the blue bracelet?" You must know that the blue bracelet in Luo Lihao's hand was indeed given to Luo Lihao by Mu Wan, and this is also the reason for their fate.

"The blue bracelet? Hehe...Of course it's not something she can get, and it's not something she can control!" When Di Batian said this, his gaze was fixed on Luo Lihao.

Although he was very upset that Luo Lihao would take away Ye Yayan, in his opinion, Luo Lihao was the best candidate for Ye Yayan's husband, and compared to other people, Luo Lihao was better Too much, plus, he is the master chosen by Bilan.

"Father, she..." Ye Yayan didn't know what to say, but she always felt that there was a problem between Di Batian and Mu Wan, otherwise, Di Batian would not have reacted like this.

Obviously, though, now is not the time to talk about their relationship.

Luo Lihao stood aside, looking at Di Batian strangely. Ye Yayan could guess it, so he could guess it too, especially Di Batian's strange reaction when he looked at his wrist, which made him feel like The feeling of being stripped naked.

If it weren't for the fact that this man was Di Batian and Ye Yayan's father, I'm afraid he wouldn't have such an indifferent expression.

"Dibatian, we want to leave here, the key lies in your daughter, even if she is your daughter, we will..."

"If you dare to touch my daughter, then this is where you will be buried. Do you think you have a chance of winning against me?" No wonder Di Batian is so domineering, these people are not his opponents at all, let alone Well, he also has a group of loyal brothers, even if he doesn't do anything, his brothers are more than enough to deal with these people.

These people are just a part of the people who have come in, and it is completely easy to kill them!

After Di Batian's words fell behind, everyone fell into silence, because they knew that what Di Batian said was true...

(End of this chapter)

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