Chapter 711
"Di Batian, this is a secret store, not outside. Do you think you can kill us with your own strength?" , someone jumped out.

"It may be impossible to kill them all, but I can keep you here forever!" Ye Yayan spoke before Di Batian spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present seemed to be shocked, and their eyes were full of weirdness.

If Di Batian said this, then they would definitely not be surprised, because Di Batian has such a dominance, but now it is Ye Yayan, so they have to be shocked.

"Daughter, well said!" Di Batian was delighted when he heard Ye Yayan's words. As expected, he really deserves to be his daughter. He really likes her dominance.

"Just you?" When everyone came back to their senses, they were full of contempt, but after seeing Ye Yayan sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame, they swallowed all their words.

Indeed, Ye Yayan has the ability to keep them all here.

Now, it's not the time for them to clamor. On the contrary, they want to curry favor with Ye Yayan, because she is the key to leaving here.

"Father, what is hidden in the secret place? If it's just a treasure, I'm afraid there won't be so many people flocking to it?" Indeed, if it's a treasure, then these people won't wait for so many years, there must be something they need waiting.

"The secret place is the burial place of the mighty. This is well known. In fact, there is another point that you may not know. In the secret place, there is a group of warriors who are said to be stronger than the gods. , They are waiting for their master to come, only when their master is born, they will appear in the world, and they are absolutely loyal. As long as their master points their hands, their butcher knives will go there!" Emperor When Batian said this, his eyes were full of longing.

For people like them, subduing this group of warriors is the most important thing.

Warrior, master?
Hearing these two nouns, for some reason, Ye Yayan felt that the person those warriors were waiting for was her!

Although it was just a guess, she still felt that she was, because she was the one who opened the secret storehouse!
Ye Yayan is not the only one who feels this way, other people also feel that Ye Yayan is the master these warriors are waiting for, otherwise, they would not have gathered here.

But even though it was guessed so, no one brought it up because they were unwilling to believe that Ye Yayan was the master these warriors were waiting for.

If this is true, wouldn't they be rejoicing in vain.

"Yan'er, try not to let the Fenshi Jinyan be destroyed!" Di Batian noticed that after Ye Yayan sacrificed the Fenshi Jinyan, there was a wave of fluctuations under the ground, even though the fluctuations were not so obvious, but he Still noticed it.

Perhaps, those warriors are really about to be born!
After thinking that the real master of those warriors was Ye Yayan, he became excited, his face full of excitement.

Similarly, not long after Di Batian felt the fluctuations coming from the ground, Luo Lihao also noticed it, and at the moment he noticed it, his body got closer to Ye Yayan.

He knows that after this is the key!

He couldn't let anyone hurt Ye Yayan, even though the Burning World Flame in Ye Yayan's hands made everyone fearful, but there was no guarantee that they would do anything extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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