Chapter 712 came out
The fluctuations in the ground became more and more intense, and the excitement on everyone's faces became more and more intense.

Because they heard the sound of uniform footsteps, this sound excited them, inspired them, and made them willing to give everything.

However, soon, the excitement on their faces was replaced by bitterness, because the master of this group of warriors was not them, but Emperor Batian's daughter!

Di Batian's power is very strong on this continent, and there are not many people who can contend with him. If her daughter gets this group of warriors this time, what good life will they have?

Therefore, they want to kill it in the cradle, and they must not let this group of warriors be born.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other one after another, seeing the desperate look in each other's eyes.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!
"Prepare, kill!" Di Batian spoke at the moment when everyone was about to move.

Compared with others, he is more decisive, he will not let his daughter get hurt even if his hands are stained with blood.

After hearing Di Batian's words, a group of brothers took up weapons and attacked them.

The brothers of Di Batian were very strong in executing his words, and in an instant, everyone was fighting together.

Although they still don't know if the one hidden underground is the warrior they want to find, but he will not let accidents happen.

It belonged to his daughter, and he must help her get it.

Originally, he was a daughter-in-law!

At the moment when everyone was fighting together, the Fenshi Jinyan in Ye Yayan's hand skyrocketed, she knew that the things under the ground had to be lured out.

It's okay to be warriors, if not, then they must leave here immediately.

At the moment when Fenshi Jinyan skyrocketed, the commotion under the ground became even bigger.

If Ye Yayan couldn't detect it before, she can hear it clearly now.

The moment she heard the sound, she felt a throbbing feeling in her heart, which was a kind of spiritual calling.

I'm afraid that the master that the warrior in Emperor Batian's mouth is looking for is her!

Otherwise, she wouldn't have the feeling of being summoned. This feeling is the same as when she first stepped into the secret store.

"Father, Li Hao, get out of the way, they are coming out!" At the moment Ye Yayan's flowers fell, there was a bang, and an earth-shattering sound came from the ground.

Then a huge tiankeng appeared in front of everyone.

When a group of people slowly came out of the tiankeng, everyone felt a burst of fear, because from them, they felt a threat of death.

It's as if after meeting them, the one who loses must be them.

The aura of this group of people is too unique, the feeling that the mountain is difficult to cross, makes their bodies tremble slightly, if the outside world sees them like this, I don't know how much they will laugh out loud.

However, they couldn't stop their bodies from trembling. This kind of trembling seemed to be instinctive, and they couldn't control it at all.

The warrior, the warrior of the dungeon, is finally born!
At this moment, everyone was excited, but at the same time excited, they also felt scared, especially the eyes of this group of warriors looked at them with a strange feeling, such a feeling made their bodies retreat unconsciously... …

(End of this chapter)

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