The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 722 Waiting for her explanation

Chapter 722 Waiting for her explanation
"I didn't experience the moment when the demon clan perished, but before that, Mu Xin seemed to have entered the realm of the black silver saint!" At that moment, she was thrown into the black hole, so she didn't know what happened afterwards, She knew that at that moment, the killing had come.

After Ye Ya spoke, Di Batian and Luo Lihao looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes.

Things seemed to go beyond their expectations.

If things really went as they guessed, then the current Mu Wan is no longer Mu Wan, but the Mu Wan who is occupied by Mu Xin.

If they want to save Mu Wan, there will be many difficulties.

In the case of ensuring Mu Wan's body, it is really difficult to extract Mu Xin from Mu Wan's body. The most important thing is that they are still not sure whether Mu Wan's soul is still there. inside her own body.

If it loses its soul, it is useless at all.

For some reason, they felt that Mu Wan's soul had not been swallowed by Mu Xin, otherwise, Mu Wan would not have been so weird when she looked at Ye Yayan.

Of course, all of this is the result of their self-deduction. Before seeing Mu Wan, everything is unknown.

However, such speculation made Ye Yayan and Di Batian feel more or less comfortable. If this is the case, it would be great.

Although they have been hurt by Mu Wan, if Mu Xin did all of this and had nothing to do with Mu Wan, then they wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

"Daughter, we are waiting for her explanation!" This may be the last chance for Mu Wan.

"En!" Ye Yayan nodded emphatically, this is the last chance, I hope Mu Wan can seize it.

She had been fucked once, and she could allow herself to be fucked a second time.

She can still explain to Mu Wan, but she doesn't know if she will disappoint them.

When everyone came out of the secret storage, everyone looked relieved. Although the loss was a bit big this time, overall, they still gained a lot. At most, they just lost some dignity!

But at least this time they got a lot of treasures. Although some treasures they looked very excited and wanted to get, but after weighing the pros and cons, they gave up decisively. Some things they could take, but some things they didn't want. Can't touch it.

Therefore, on the spur of the moment, they decisively took the share they should have.

Regarding everyone's thoughts and attitudes, Ye Yayan nodded slightly.

"Let's break up, I'm looking for you if I have something to do, and I won't be looking for you again if it's okay!" Ye Yayan said "again". When the word appeared, everyone's faces were expressionless, but their hearts were extremely excited stand up.

You know, there is a difference between having this word and not having this word. Obviously, if nothing happened to them, they might never see Ye Yayan in their whole life.

Thinking of this, everyone was delighted.

This time, it really was a worthwhile trip!
Ye Yayan is definitely a slap in the face, a typical example of giving someone a sweet date. Now they are very loyal!

This method is quite good!

If you thought Ye Yayan was a little immature before, then now, after what happened this time, Di Batian is not worried at all!
(End of this chapter)

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