The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 723 Soul Transformation

Chapter 723 Soul Transformation
Waiting was originally an extremely hard work, especially this time it was to wait for Mu Wan's arrival.

Time, half a month has passed without knowing it. During this half month, Luo Lihao has almost controlled the power of the entire continent. With the help of the warriors, Luo Lihao has controlled the continent well. Now, They waited for Mu Wan to appear.

Finally, Mu Wan came late.

After seeing Mu Wan again, Ye Yayan found that Mu Wan's aura seemed to have changed, and now, there seemed to be a trace of evil in her body.

Ye Yayan didn't want to know everything about Mu Wan and the others on Yuntian Continent. Now she just wanted to know whether she was Mu Wan or Mu Xin.

Similarly, Di Batian also wanted to know.

The moment he saw Mu Wan appear, Di Batian was excited. Although he knew she had concealed him and deceived him at the beginning, his love for her remained unchanged. It is absolutely false, but his psychological quality is extremely huge, even if he is very excited now, he has not shown it.

"Are you Mu Xin, or Mu Wan?" Ye Yayan put Mu Xin's name first. Obviously, in Ye Yayan's heart, the person standing in front of her was Mu Xin, not Mu Wan. Has exactly the same face as Mu Wan.

"My daughter, you're so smart!" Mu Wan opened her mouth, she didn't need to say anything, she was already telling Ye Yayan and the others that she was Mu Xin, not Mu Wan.

Hearing this, the faces of the three people present became rather ugly. Although they had already prepared themselves, they still couldn't accept the truth.

As expected, Mu Wan is no longer Mu Wan, but Mu Xin whose soul has been occupied.

Thinking that Mu Xin was inside Mu Wan's body at this time, Di Batian wished he could pull it out and directly destroy Mu Xin's soul.

But, he knows, can't!
Mu Xin was able to hide in Mu Wan's body for so many years, but he didn't just want to get it out, he had to wait for the best time to get it out.

Fortunately, Di Batian has good patience, otherwise, something bad will happen under this impulsiveness!

"Mu Xin, isn't it enough for you to destroy the Yaozu? Do you really want no one left from the Yaozu?" Di Batian stood on the spot, clasped his hands tightly, and didn't speak. Couldn't help but do it, so Ye Yayan took the lead this time.

"With you here, it is impossible for the Yaozu to perish. I never thought that my elder sister would be able to conceive the blood of God of War, hahaha..." Now that they had already guessed her identity, she would have nothing to do. Well covered up.

Over the years, no one has ever doubted her. Now that they tell her, she suddenly finds it very interesting. At least, she will not be treated as Mu Wan now.

"Back then, you carried out a series of killings in the Yaozu, why did you appear on Mu Wan again?" At this time, Ye Yayan only hated herself for not persevering, otherwise, she would have known the truth.

Now, if she wants to know what happened back then, she has to go through other people's mouths.

Some things can easily be misrepresented through word of mouth.

"Soul transformation, didn't you also do such a thing?" Suddenly, Mu Xin pointed directly at Ye Yayan...

(End of this chapter)

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