Chapter 728 I Have a Helper
"Mu Xin, do you think I'm a three-year-old child who doesn't understand the hidden meaning of your words?" Don't think that everyone is a fool and doesn't understand the meaning of her words.

You know, everyone present is smart and understands exactly what she is talking about.

"Mu Xin, if you want the Yaozu, I'll just give it to you. As long as you return Mu Wan to us, I guarantee that the Yaozu will be yours!" Di Batian, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke.

Yaozu, to him, that is a fart, now, the whole world is under their control, Yaozu, that is really nothing.

If Mu Xin wants Yaozu, then give it to her.

"Hehe... Yaozu, do you think that I want Yaozu?" Di Batian's words made Mu Xin sneer, she doesn't want the current Yaozu for nothing.

The monster clan she wants is the monster clan in its heyday, and the monster clan she wants is the monster clan that Mu Wan submits to.

"Then what do you want?" Didn't she really want the inheritance of the Yaozu?
Since the Yaozu is no longer needed, why do we need the inheritance of the Yaozu? Is it just for fun?
If this is the case, she will never believe it. Mu Xin can calculate for so many years, is it just for fun?
"I want to trample all of you under my feet, I want you all to crawl under my feet, I want you to live on the breath of others, I want you..."

"Darling, stop dreaming. Just like you, you still want to trample us under your feet. Wake up!" Ye Yayan directly interrupted what Mu Xin wanted to say. Indeed, it is now under her control. As far as the power is concerned, it is undoubtedly a dream for Mu Xin to want to trample them on the soles of their feet.

"You..." Mu Xin was blocked by Ye Yayan, her face turned red, and her eyes were full of anger.

However, this anger has no effect at all.

"Mu Xin, you don't know the power I control now, do you?" Ye Yayan felt that it was necessary to show Mu Xin her power, otherwise, she would always be a frog in a well!

"What?" Ye Yayan's words made Mu Xin flustered, as if everything was out of her control.

"Come out!" Ye Yayan waved his hand, and suddenly, the warriors in the secret store appeared behind Ye Yayan.

The moment she saw the warriors, Mu Xin's eyes widened, and her eyes were full of astonishment.

What's happening here?
These people who appeared suddenly gave her a feeling of panic. The sense of oppression from them was too great. Anyone who walked out of them could crush her directly.

When did Ye Yayan have such a strong backing?

"It's strange! Why do I have such a strong backing all of a sudden? In fact, I have to thank you. If it weren't for your repeated pressure, maybe I wouldn't have reached the current level!" At this time, Ye Yayan was I want to be envious.

"Hahaha..." After Ye Ya finished speaking, Mu Xin suddenly laughed out loud, and there was something weird in that smile.

"Ye Yayan, I admit that your hole cards are good, but do you think I don't have any helpers?" When Mu Xin said this, her eyes were full of pride.

They had helpers, didn't she?
"Finally it's my turn to appear!" After Mu Xin finished speaking, suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone. After waiting for so long, she finally appeared.

Seeing the person coming, Luo Lihao's expression became extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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