The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 729 Ask Your Good Daughter

Chapter 729 Ask Your Good Daughter

"Li Hao, do you see me with this expression?" The woman smiled at Luo Li Hao, although the smile was beautiful, but Ye Yayan felt it was very strange.

There seemed to be provocation in her smile.


What is she provoking?
To challenge her to know Luo Lihao?

Or is there a relationship between her and Luo Lihao?
Thinking of the word Nie Yuan, Ye Yayan didn't feel uncomfortable, but she thought of a person. If she guessed right, this woman is the biggest boss of Wan Jianzong.

"Miss, what should my Li Hao's expression be when he sees you? Oh, by the way, my Li Hao told me that he and you are not in the same magnetic field. He will never appear where you appear. Besides, he seems to have murderous intentions towards you!" When Ye Yayan said this, she was already telling Ni Qingya that she already knew her identity.

When Luo Lihao heard Ye Yayan's words, the corners of his lips curled into a twitch. It really was his Ye Yayan. This kind of cleverness was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

This Ni Qingya didn't reveal her identity at all, but Ye Yayan could see it. Based on these few words, she deduced it, which Ni Qingya didn't expect.

However, she was not surprised that Ye Yayan could guess it. After all, she also knew how clever this woman was!
When Ye Yayan appeared on this continent, she retrieved everything about her. At that time, she didn't know why she did that. There seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her to investigate everything about her. .

After investigating the information back, she realized why she had such a reaction in her heart, it was because of the sensitivity of her love rival.

Yes, rival.

She likes Luo Lihao, and has always liked her, but she didn't show it, and she also knew that Luo Lihao had murderous intentions towards her. Fall on this man.

Originally thought that a cold-hearted man like Luo Lihao would not be emotional, but he did not expect that he was emotional, and the love was so hot, he seemed to bet all his emotions on Ye Yayan.

Every time she thought of this, she was so angry that her heart, liver, spleen and stomach ached!
Especially, Ye Yayan is worse than her in appearance, not as strong as her, not as good as her in any aspect.

But such a person actually fell into Luo Lihao's eyes, which made her not angry.

Fortunately, her sanity is still there, otherwise, she wouldn't be standing so well at this time.

However, Ye Yayan's words made the anger hidden in his heart burn.

"Ni Qingya, are you going to get involved here?" Di Batian frowned the moment he saw Ni Qingya appear.

Ni Qingya's identity may not be known to others, but as the top existence on this continent, they still know Ni Qingya's identity. He just didn't expect Ni Qingya to get involved here this time.

"I have to ask your good daughter!" When Ni Qingya said this, although her voice was flat and unwavering, there was a lot of anger hidden under the flatness.

Ye Yayan dared to destroy her Wan Jianzong in Yuntian Continent, even if she was not the woman Luo Lihao liked, she would not let her go, let alone, she was still the one Luo Lihao loved!

(End of this chapter)

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