The whole network is a CP fan of my ex-boyfriend and I

Chapter 203 Tell Chi Yu's Hidden Secret

Chapter 203 Tell Chi Yu's Hidden Secret

"I just said it casually, just joking with you."

Gu Yuan snorted coldly: "You are also an adult, and you are still my elder. You have seen more wind and rain than I have eaten, and you should know what jokes should be made and what jokes should not be made. I took it to Nansha. Uncle should have heard how much money will be consumed for a piece of land, at least it will hurt your vitality, and you will give you Nansha if you ask, so why don’t you just say that you will give the Gu Group to you?!"

Wen Bo: "..."

Of course he wants Gu's Group.

sooner or later.

Wen Bo still kept smiling, and said kindly: "Don't be angry, uncle is just joking with you, it's really boring. In fact, what uncle wants to say is another thing, the project of Weilan has been suspended, and the capital turnover is not enough. Come on, I really can't do anything here."

"When did the Azure project stop? Why haven't I heard about it?"

Gu Yuan seemed to really not know, picked up the coffee on the table and drank it slowly.

Wenbo said nicely: "What happened a few days ago. Weilan is always a part of the Gu family, you can't just ignore it."

"It's true that Weilan was separated from Gu's, but it's already under the control of my uncle. Now, Weilan has nothing to do with Gu's." Gu Yuan's attitude showed that she didn't want to interfere with Weilan's affairs.

Wen Bo has been proud for a few days because he is full of ambition, but he never expected that Gu Yuan would make a move on Wei Lan's project.The suspension of a project that is in full swing is like stabbing him directly.

Wen Bo wished he could peel off Gu Yuan's skin and drink Gu Yuan's blood, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

But no matter how much he hates, there is nothing he can do about Gu Yuan right now.

How arrogant he was a few days ago, how humble he is now. He was forced to bend over by Gu Yuan. Once the project cannot be restarted, all his belongings will be lost.

"Gu Yuan, you have to be reasonable. If Weilan's project really stops, Weilan will be finished, and I will be finished too. How can you bear to let uncle have nowhere to go?" Wen Bo said with sincerity.

He knew that today he was here to be angry, no matter how Gu Yuan made things difficult for him, he would endure it.

Gu Yuan looked at Wen Bo's cowardly expression and found it funny: "A few days ago, I wanted to see my uncle with full sincerity, but how did you avoid me, uncle?"

Wen Bo: "..."

If I had known today, who would want to be back then! !

Who let the back of his neck be pinched, and he had to bend down and bow his head.

"It's uncle who doesn't know what's good or bad, so please hold your hands high." Wen Bo lowered his posture.

Gu Yuan was quite satisfied with this gesture, so she said directly: "The project can be resumed, uncle is so sincere, how can I have the heart to ruin your hard work?!"

Hearing this, Wen Bo breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Yuan kept his word, and he knew this.

"Since I gave my uncle a convenience, shouldn't my uncle also give me a convenience? The matter of Chi Yu..." Gu Yuan stared at Wen Bo, waiting for him to realize it.

Wenbo is indeed conscious.

For Wei Lan's project, he promised: "I won't trouble Chi Yu again. If you are still worried, you can record it. This is your usual method."

"Uncle really knows me very well." Gu Yuan rested her chin on one hand and smiled very satisfied.

She also explained: "Chi Yu's incident was an accident, you just take it as I instigated him to do this, you can find me to vent your anger, it has nothing to do with him."

"Let's forget about this matter, don't mention it again, I promise that what I said will definitely count." Wen Bo promised.

Gu Yuan nodded: "That's good, thank you uncle for your cooperation."

Wen Bo: "..." Is this cooperation?This is clearly a threat! !
The reason why Gu Yuan is so arrogant this time is not that she insists on doing so. The big loss of Weilan's project suspension is that Wen Bo is good. Gu's development is linked to Weilan, and there will still be a lot of losses.

But Gu Yuan didn't care.

After dealing with Chi Yu's matter perfectly, the stone in Gu Yuan's heart was finally lifted.

And Lu Tinglou also came to Suicheng after dealing with the affairs of Gangcheng.

Ever since it was confirmed that Gu Yuan and Chi Yu had broken up that day, Lu Tinglou had become more confident and felt that he should not sit still, but should take the initiative to attack.

So he gave himself a few days off.

Find various ways to have dinner with Gu Yuan, or cook for Gu Yuan herself, or invite Gu Yuan to watch a movie, but fortunately, Gu Yuan did not refuse.

Meals went well.

In the end, I stumbled on watching a movie.

At first, Lu Tinglou chose a certain youth movie that was the best-selling box office recently. It was about the youth and ten-year development of that group of people from campus to the future.

The box office is good, and it is also a movie with a relatively good reputation in the near future.

In the end, when everyone was seated, it was replaced by a certain movie by Chi Yu because of a malfunction. Although it had already been broadcast, everyone accepted it, which shows how influential Chi Yu is.

Instead, it was Lu Tinglou: "..."

Gu Yuan got up: "Let's go."

"Just wait and see." Lu Tinglou chose the next best thing.

"I've seen it, and I don't want to watch it a second time." Gu Yuan had already walked out.

Lu Tinglou followed immediately: "I think what you said makes sense."


Chi Yu has not gone out for five days.

He didn't join a filming group, didn't go back to the company, and didn't log in to Weibo. He was almost useless on any social platform. Every day at home, he lay down and slept, but got up to water the flowers, and then sat on the balcony to watch the sunset.

A seemingly comfortable life, but in fact there is no hope.

Yi Shu failed to persuade him several times, and it was rare for him to lose his temper in front of Chi Yu: "Chi Yu, you are an actor and you are a public figure. Although your work is very intensive, what do you mean by staying at home like this and not caring about anything?" ?”

Chi Yu: "Nothing interesting."

Yishu is so popular that his hair is going to stand on end: "You don't want any fans? You don't want your reputation, your popularity? You don't want to shoot TV series? So you are going to quit the circle, right?"

"There is no need to retreat."

Chi Yu put down the watering can, picked up the scissors to trim the flowering branches, and said nonchalantly, "At that time, everything related to Chi Yu will disappear in the entertainment industry."

"Disappear? You have such a strong fan base, how can you completely disappear in less than ten years?" Yi Yi was bookish and snatched the scissors from Chi Yu's hand: "I thought you would do business well when you came back, even if You are tired and want to rest, at least you have to deal with the current matter?!"

"What?" Chi Yu didn't seem to know.

Yishu's temples twitched: "The movie you're filming now, the variety show that you're negotiating a contract with, and a few endorsements, you have to deal with it!"

"No need to deal with it."

A voice came from another direction.

Yishu turned his head and saw that it was Chi Yu's doctor friend.

Tu Kuan walked over with a serious and dignified expression. He looked at Chi Yu, and then said to Yi Shu: "Chi Yu will not leave you trouble."

Yishu wondered, "What do you mean by that?"

Tu Kuan only gave a four-word answer, which was the truth that he only knew, which shocked him for a long time. He said——

"There is no such person."

(End of this chapter)

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