The whole network is a CP fan of my ex-boyfriend and I

Chapter 204 Gu Yuan, Are You Getting Engaged To Him?

Chapter 204 Gu Yuan, Are You Getting Engaged To Him?

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean by finding no such person?"

Tu Kuan said, "You heard the literal meaning."

Yishu was very displeased with Tu Kuan's words: "Do you know what it means to find no such person in the entertainment circle? Either he quit the circle completely! Or... it's..."

Yishu couldn't say the rest.

Or... die.

The latter is not possible.

The former is most likely.

It's just that Yishu can't figure it out. Chi Yu has already come to this point. Seeing that the relationship with Mr. Gu is not as deadlocked as before, it is obvious that one more step will open up the sea and the sky. Why is he suddenly withdrawing from the circle? !
"Don't think about it if you don't understand it, I was the same as you before." Tu Kuan comforted Yishu.

Yishu felt that this consolation was better than no consolation: "Forget it, help me communicate with Chi Yu more, I can't communicate anyway."

If he could communicate, he wouldn't have to show his frown and get angry here.

Chi Yu's neither cold nor indifferent attitude didn't bother him at all.

After Yishu left, Chi Yu sat on a chair to soak up the sun, as if preparing to take a nap.Tu Kuan walked over, he couldn't bear to disturb him.

"If you have something to say, say it as soon as possible, otherwise I may never be able to open my eyes again." Chi Yu didn't even look at it, and felt the existence of Tu Kuan and him by feeling. He hesitated to speak.

"Miss Gu has gotten very close to that Mr. Lu recently, do you know that?" Since there was no topic that could affect Chi Yu's emotions, Tu Kuan had no choice but to rub salt on his wound.

At least in this way, Chi Yu will have emotions like a normal person.

Sure enough, Chi Yu opened his eyes: "When did I change to be a detective?"

"Didn't you read the latest newspaper? There's no need to be such a troublesome detective." Tu Kuan felt tired from standing, so he sat down beside him.

Chi Yu has been very neglected recently.

Regardless of anything about work, he never asked about Gu Yuan's activities.

Seeing Chi Yu's reaction, Tu Kuan just opened his eyes and didn't ask him, so he deliberately said: "From the newspaper reports, Miss Gu is likely to be engaged to Lu Tinglou, and Lu Tinglou is from Hong Kong City. A newcomer in the business world, I don't know how many people are optimistic about him, if he and Miss Gu get married for a hundred years..."

Chi Yu's breathing became disordered.

He stared at Tu Kuan with extremely resentful eyes: "If you don't bother me for a day, you will feel uncomfortable, won't you?"

"Don't say it, it's true!" Tu Kuan smiled.

Chi Yu got up and went back to the house.

He searched the living room downstairs but couldn't find a newspaper, which made him look almost irritable and in a very bad mood.

Until Tu Kuan handed a newspaper in front of Chi Yu: "You are terminally ill, and you didn't expect your memory to deteriorate. I don't know who said that newspapers are not allowed at home these days."


Chi Yu ignored Tu Kuan's sarcasm.

Take the newspaper and open it.

[According to reliable sources, the president of Hong Kong Atrium Real Estate and the chairman of Gu's Group were photographed holding hands while shopping, the picture is very sweet.Another person ran into the two of them at the movie theater, and watched a movie with their hands clasped together, suspecting that something good was about to happen. 】

[If Gu's Group and Atrium Real Estate are united, it will not only be the union of two companies, but also the establishment of a huge business empire. You must know that there is a Hengyuan behind the atrium, not just a strong alliance, but a three-strong alliance. 】

The reports in the newspapers are so far speculative.

Whether the parties are together or not, no one outside knows. If they are really together, such reports can be regarded as advance notice.

Moreover, such a report will not affect the two parties involved, and it may even cause the stocks of the two companies to rise because of the attention.

Overall, that's a good thing.

After reading the newspaper, Chi Yu threw it away lightly, as if he didn't care.

Tu Kuan picked up the newspaper that Chi Yu had thrown away: "I thought you really didn't react at all. Fortunately, at least you raised your hand and threw away this newspaper."

"Don't you throw away the boring newspaper and bring it for dinner at night?!" Chi Yu went to the bar to pour himself a glass of wine.

Tu Kuan wanted to persuade him not to drink, but before he could open his mouth, Chi Yu had already drank the half glass of wine.

Tu Kuan: "..."

He stepped forward, put the newspaper on the bar counter, and pointed it out to Chi Yu: "Do you think Miss Gu is a good match for that Mr. Lu?"

Chi Yu stared at the newspaper, his brows and eyes gradually grew hostile, and he almost roared, "What do you think?"

Tu Kuan was not afraid of Chi Yu's anger, he said calmly: "I just hope that even in the last period of time, you will live like a human being."

Chi Yu was stunned for a moment.

He poured another half glass of red wine, and Tu Kuan covered the rim of the goblet with his hand: "Don't drink it, if you want to see Miss Gu, go and see, time won't buy you regret."

"No, it has nothing to do with who she marries."

Chi Yu turned and went upstairs.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth." Tu Kuan sighed.


The recent news that Gu's Group and Atrium Real Estate are going to marry for a hundred years has caused a lot of excitement in the business world.

Coupled with the fact that neither of the two parties intends to refute the rumors, everyone is even more certain that the news is true.

Sheng Yi also knew about this, and her first reaction was to call Gu Yuan and ask, "Yuan, are you going to be engaged to Lu Tinglou?"

"Where did you hear that?"

Sheng Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "...It's okay, it's okay, it turned out to be fake news, I thought..."

"I'm going to have a meal at Uncle Lu's house recently, and discuss the date."




What date are you negotiating? ? ?
Sheng Yi admitted that she was confused and didn't know the date, she immediately asked: "Yuan, you mean to go to Lu Tinglou's house for dinner, not to eat alone with him, right?"

Gu Yuan hummed.

The voice is lazy, with a smile: "Yes, you have been busy filming recently, I haven't had time to tell you about it yet."

"Ah, no, no... wait, let me... I still don't understand, do you really want to be with Lu Tinglou?" Sheng Yi felt as if he had stayed in the deep mountains and old forests for decades before coming out. He was so surprised to hear everything from ear to ear.

And the next answer Gu Yuan gave her was: "Well, we are already together."

Sheng Yi: "..."


The fact that Gu Yuan and Lu Tinglou were together was a bit too sudden for Sheng Yi, although she had also met Lu Tinglou before, and knew what an excellent person Lu Tinglou was.

But to be honest, Sheng Yi was still shocked.

That afternoon Sheng Yi was not in the mood for filming.

As soon as work was over early in the afternoon, he rushed to Gu's mansion non-stop.

Gu Yuan finished talking with Sheng Yi, turned around, and saw Lu Tinglou standing not far behind her, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at her with a smile.

Gu Yuan put away her phone: "I heard everything."

It's not a question, it's an affirmation.

Lu Tinglou couldn't deny it: "It would be even better if it was true."

(End of this chapter)

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