The whole network is a CP fan of my ex-boyfriend and I

Chapter 356 Her Regret and Love, His Prison and Lock

Chapter 356 Her Regret and Love, His Prison and Lock

Gu Yuan didn't know what happened to Chi Yu suddenly.

It suddenly became extremely painful while driving, and now, after the pain disappeared, there was only blankness in his eyes, as if he didn't know what happened...

"Chi Yu, have you forgotten that we are going back to Suicheng now?" She whispered in his ear with a very soft voice, the pain in her hand was still there, and Chi Yu held her hand tightly.

"Go back to Suicheng... Go back to Suicheng, we are going back to Suicheng...ah..."

He thought about going back to Suicheng, repeated it, and suddenly let go of Gu Yuan's hand to hold his head, and the pain came back to him again, as if he was being tortured.

Seeing Chi Yu in such pain, Gu Yuan's heart ached to death, and she didn't care to ask any more questions for a while, the most important thing was to rush to the hospital.

And Sui Sui, who saw this kind of situation for the first time, was terrified, and shouted in panic all the time: "Mom, mom, hug..."

"Sui Sui, good boy, wait a minute, Mom."

After fastening Chi Yu's seat belt, Gu Yuan closed the car door.

She walked around the rear of the car to the other side, Sui Sui thought her mother was coming to hug her, and immediately opened her arms.

However, Gu Yuan pulled down the safety belt and put it on Sui Sui, and comforted Sui Sui softly: "Sui Sui is obedient, now Dad is sick and uncomfortable, and Mom will drive Dad to the hospital, please sit obediently and don't move around?"

She couldn't help coaxing Sui Sui.

Sui Sui must have been frightened just now.

Fortunately, Sui Sui could feel her mother's anxiety, and nodded obediently: "Well, the nest will be obedient and not move around."

Gu Yuan comforted and kissed her daughter's forehead: "Good boy, mom is going to drive, don't take off your seat belt yourself."

"it is good."

While the car is driving, the map voice keeps broadcasting the road section.

Because it is a country road with many curves, you must concentrate on driving.In this kind of road condition, Gu Yuan had to spare some time to talk to Chi Yu, for fear that he would completely faint.

Once a person is completely unconscious, accidents will happen.

At first Chi Yu would respond, but gradually, she no longer responded, as if she had passed out, but the pain in her expression was still there.Gu Yuan was flustered, worried that something might happen while driving in this state, so she had to slow down.

The consequence of slowing down is to delay the time to go to the hospital.

"Suisui, talk to Dad quickly, no matter what you say, just keep him from falling asleep."

"Or, if you don't know what to say, just sing to Dad. You can sing all the songs the teacher taught you, and Dad will hear it."

"Be sure to keep Dad awake for a while, and he will be in the hospital soon."

Sui Sui could understand what her mother meant.

It must be because of a stomachache that eating fish is uncomfortable. She wants to talk to Chi Yu and don't let Chi Yu sleep.

The father and daughter were not far away, Sui Sui stretched out her hand to grab Chi Yu's clothes, and carefully called his name: "Eat fish~"

ignore her.

"Eat fish~"

Still ignore.

Sui Sui yelled, "Dad!"

Chi Yu didn't respond, as if he had fallen asleep, but the face distorted by the pain indicated that he hadn't passed out completely, but his consciousness had fallen into a short-lived black hole.

Sui Sui shook her short legs, shaking and shaking, and continued to reach out to pull Chi Yu's clothes: "Wo is so boring, tell Wo a story~"

"Otherwise, I can tell you a story."

"But Wo's storytelling is very expensive. After listening to Wo's story, I have to thank you with candy. This is, this is, this is..." Sui Sui was at a loss for words, and raised her head to ask Gu Yuan who was driving: "Mom, Wo and Dad What's the relationship?"

When Gu Yuan was concentrating on driving, she found time to reply: "Father-daughter relationship."

"I'm sorry."

Sui Sui leaned forward a little more, this time she grabbed the little finger of Chi Yu's right hand, and did not let it go, continuing what she had just said:
"This is called father-daughter loyalty."

"Dad, did you hear that? This is called father-daughter loyalty."

"Hey, don't sleep, okay? Open your eyes and take care of your nest."

"Is your belly hurting too much? It's okay, let me rub your belly for you." Sui Sui was about to roll over on Chi Yu's body, but the seat belt restrained her small body and affected her performance , There is no way to crawl into Chi Yu's arms.


While worrying, I thought of what my mother said just now, just sit here obediently and don't move around.


Sui Sui sat down again, but the little hand holding Chi Yu's finger hadn't let go yet.

No matter how much Sui Sui babbled, Chi Yu never responded.

Sui Sui sighed, thinking that her own story hadn't been told yet, so Dad was not very willing to contribute his candy.

Which short story would you like to tell?

"Once upon a time there was a mountain..."


More than an hour later, in the bright and clean ward.

Chi Yu was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, still in a coma.

Sui Sui held a glass of water and drank it quickly. After drinking, she exchanged the empty glass for Gu Yuan, raised her head and said, "Mom, I still need to drink water."

Gu Yuan took the water glass and was about to pour water, Xiao Qiu quickly took the water glass from Gu Yuan's hand: "I'll come, Mr. Gu, sit down and rest for a while."

Xiao Qiu quickly poured the water back, the water temperature is very suitable for children to drink, he held it firmly with both hands and sent it to Sui Sui: "Here, little princess."

Sui Sui took it over, curled a pair of beautiful eyelashes towards Xiao Qiu, and said in a sweet voice, "Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome, little princess."

The sweet voice melted into Xiaoqiu's heart. He rarely had the opportunity to meet Mr. Gu's daughter. It was a long time ago when he saw him last time. He was already able to call him uncle sweetly, but suddenly felt that it was too late.

During the few seconds Xiaoqiu was feeling, Gu Yuan didn't sit down to rest, but walked to the hospital bed.

Sui Sui didn't finish this glass of water, she had already drank a glass just now, and after drinking a little more, her stomach was already bloated.She politely handed the water glass to Xiao Qiu: "Here, uncle."

Xiaoqiu took it, and Sui Sui slid off the stool and walked to the hospital bed.

The hospital bed was relatively high, and Sui Sui was tall enough to stand beside the bed, her hands just enough to rest flat on the wound.When she was about to reach out to pull Chi Yu's hand that was on the side, her mother said, "Dad needs to rest, don't make trouble with him."

Sui Sui withdrew her hand again, and asked her mother with her chin in this position: "But didn't Mom say that you don't want Dad to fall asleep?"

The little girl still remembered Gu Yuan's advice.

Always talk to Dad, don't let Dad fall asleep, so she told the story of the old monk and the young monk all the way, so thirsty.

Gu Yuan was also afraid that the noise would make Chi Yu take a break, so she said softly, "Just now I didn't know what happened to my father, but now I'm sure he's healthy and fine, so I can let him rest."

This time, Sui Sui didn't just half-understand, but she understood. The little hand resting on her chin raised a finger and put it on the edge: "Shh, Mom, let's talk quietly."

Gu Yuan's mood was healed at this moment.

She came over and hugged her daughter and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Sui Sui touched her stomach first, she drank water just now, her stomach was swollen and she felt full, so she shook her head to Gu Yuan: "I'm not hungry."

"Then let's just sit here quietly and wait for Dad to wake up, shall we?"


Gu Yuan walked over with Sui Sui in her arms, and sat down on the fabric sofa in the ward.

Xiao Qiu was still standing by, in case Gu Yuan summoned her next time.

But now there is nothing to do, Xiaoqiu is not needed, and there are many things in the company waiting for Xiaoqiu to take charge, so Gu Yuan asked Xiaoqiu to go back to the company first.

Xiaoqiu nodded: "Alright Mr. Gu, if you need to call me, I'll come over from Ma Shan."

Wait for Xiaoqiu to leave.

The ward seemed to be getting quieter.

Because Sui Sui couldn't make a sound, she played for a while by herself, took off her shoes and lay down on the sofa, with her head resting on Gu Yuan's lap.Once she was lying down, she would only get sleepier and sleepier. Seeing her daughter yawn several times in a row, Gu Yuan stretched her hand to Sui Sui's back, and patted it gently and rhythmically until Sui Sui couldn't hold back the drowsiness and fell asleep. Then, Gu Yuan withdrew her hand, took a thin blanket on the sofa and covered Suisui.

She got up, went to the bed, gently pulled the stool and sat down beside the bed.

Looking at Chi Yu's sleeping face, what the doctor said just now came to her mind.

"He's in good health and even with all the tests done there wasn't anything wrong."

"Wait until he wakes up and check again in two days."

"Maybe it's caused by too much mental stress and exhaustion. Let's take a rest and observe."

When the doctor asked Gu Yuan what the patient had been exposed to recently that caused too much mental stress, Gu Yuan's head went blank and she couldn't answer.

Tired of recording variety shows?she does not know.

Is life in the country tiring?She doesn't know either.

Did she put a lot of pressure on him?She still doesn't know.

However, for Chi Yu, it was a shock of mental pressure.

What is he enduring?
Gu Yuan didn't dare to think deeply, she raised her hand and wiped away the moisture at the end of her eyes with her thumb.


Chi Yu slept for an exceptionally long and heavy sleep this time.

During this period of coma, all his consciousness was swallowed up in a huge black hole, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't climb out of the black hole, that kind of despair was enough to make him die...

I don't know how long it took.

He heard a familiar voice, and then that beam of light entered the black hole and shone on him.

"Kite kite."

"Kite kite."

"Kiyuan save me..."

"help me……"

He asks her for help.

That ray of light shone on him motionlessly, no matter how much he shouted for help, there was no response to his voice.

"Yuan, save me."

"Why didn't you save me..."

"Kite kite..."

Despair is more terrifying than a black hole. It quickly engulfed and surrounded him, and the depression eroded his whole body, from head to toe, to internal organs, and finally to the central nervous system. Even the last consciousness was deprived.

"don't want……"

But despair is still despair at the end, before the black hole will completely swallow him, that beam of light is also extinguished.

Am I never coming back...

why don't you let me come back...


He closed his eyes in despair, waiting until the black hole finally completely eroded him.

But it was also at that last moment that the ray of light that had disappeared re-shone in, brighter and hotter than at the beginning; the light drove away all the chills, dissipated all the despair, and brought regret and love, locks and prisons. , drag him out from the black hole that is about to be swallowed...

The clock on the white wall was ticking.

When the hour hand just pointed to the number 6 at the bottom, the man lying on the hospital bed slowly woke up.

He opened his eyes with distracted eyes, and only opened them briefly for a few seconds. His crow-black eyelashes trembled a few times when he opened them, and then closed them slowly, with a mentality of escaping as if he wanted to fell asleep again...

He can sense any movement around him.

The quilt beside the bed was pulled slightly, a small hand was placed on the back of his hand, and then patted very lightly, calling him——

"Eat fish."

"Are you awake?"

"Eating fish, you have been sleeping for a long time, the sky outside is going to be dark, if you don't wake up, you won't be able to sleep at night."


"Why are you swollen from eating fish and ignore the nest?"

At that time, besides Chi Yu who had just woken up, there was also Sui Sui who was chattering like a little sparrow in the ward.

The evasive sleep didn't last long. He opened his eyes again, turned his head slightly, and could see his daughter resting her chin on one hand and resting the other on the back of his hand.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, Sui Sui's eyebrows and eyes curved: "Eating fish has woken up."

Chi Yu opened his mouth, and when he wanted to speak, he realized that his throat was very dry. The simple words came out of his mouth hoarse and not very clear. Sui Sui couldn't understand, so he tried to climb onto the hospital bed and approached Chi Yu with his ears. mouth, but because of the unstable support of his small body, he fell on Chi Yu's body.

The three-year-old boy already weighed more than 30 kilograms, and such a weight was suddenly pressed down, so much that Chi Yu groaned and almost lost his breath.

Chi Yu raised his other hand to help the daughter in his arms, but found that there was an oximeter in this hand, he was helpless, and asked the daughter in his arms, "Where's your mother?"

Sui Sui lay on Chi Yu's body in this position and didn't want to get up anymore. She pinched Chi Yu's face indiscriminately with her small hand, and the old god replied: "Mom has always been around eating fish, but Mom said eating fish wakes me up." I didn’t have any clothes to wear, so I went home to get some clothes, and said that I would bring delicious food for the fish.”

Chi Yu asked, "How long has your mother been back?"

Sui Sui shook her head: "Don't talk."

She can't tell the time.

When Chi Yu thought about it, he had to get up the little guy who was a little heavy, but he couldn't use much strength now.

And at this time, Gu Yuan came back.

Gu Yuan pushed open the door of the ward and came in. Seeing Sui Sui who was pulling on Chi Yu's body, she sighed helplessly: "Did I tell you not to disturb Dad to sleep before I left?"

Seeing her mother coming back, Sui Sui was both scared and happy.

She slid down on her short legs, then slid off the bed, stood beside her and said to Gu Yuan, "Mom, Dad is already awake."

Gu Yuan was startled, as if she didn't expect that Chi Yu would just wake up when she went back.

She walked faster, and when she got to the hospital bed, she saw Chi Yu lying on the bed looking at her.

He really woke up.

"When... did you wake up?"

Gu Yuan put all the things she brought aside, and at the moment she was fully focused on Chi Yu who was awake.

Chi Yu said lightly, "I just woke up."

Gu Yuan was worried that he was hungry, so she took out the stew pot from the bag she brought: "Mother has cooked it in advance, drink some first, you can see what you want to eat later, I will order it for you."

Chi Yu didn't speak, just watched her do these things.

She was busy and did not forget to ask him: "Do you still remember how you fell into a coma?"

"Remember." He replied.

Gu Yuan glanced at him, seeing his pale face, thinking that he just woke up and felt uncomfortable.

She opened the stew pot, filled the soup slowly, and asked as she filled it, "Then do you know why you fainted?"

Chi Yu: "I know."

He looked into Gu Yuan's eyes and said three words: "Because of you."

Gu Yuan Shengtang's hand froze suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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