aren't we in love

Chapter 15 No matter how beautiful things are, you don't have to get them

Chapter 15 No matter how beautiful things are, you don't have to get them
Cheng Duanwu got up from the ground after putting on his clothes.She dusted off her body and tidied her messy hair before leaving.

When she fell to the ground suddenly, she seemed to have sprained her foot, and her ankle was in a burning pain, and every step she took made her gasp involuntarily.She walked slowly step by step, her whole body was so sore that she couldn't help herself.She never thought that she would meet Yu Jiajia when she came out.

Yu Jiajia looked at her thoughtfully, she hesitated for a long time, then smiled at her.

Yu Jiajia nodded slightly.Cheng Duanwu didn't think about it, and continued to walk forward with his painful feet.Unexpectedly, Yu Jiajia gently grabbed Cheng Duanwu.

Cheng Duanwu turned around in confusion, "Is there something wrong?" Because of crying for a long time, Cheng Duanwu's voice was a little hoarse.She didn't need to look in the mirror to know that she was haggard and her eyes were bloodshot, but she had no time to look at him. Anyway, in front of Lu Yingqin and Yu Jiajia, she had no dignity or face.

"Duanwu..." Yu Jiajia hesitated to speak, she naturally saw the swollen palm print on Cheng Duanwu's face, she sighed lightly: "Are you okay?"

Cheng Duanwu was a little uncomfortable, turned his head, and tried to face her with his uninjured half of his face, trying to cover it up: "Just now when I climbed the stairs, I fell, and my face and feet fell, what a bad luck. "

Cheng Duanwu stood shoulder to shoulder with Yu Jiajia, and Yu Jiajia's pleasant fragrance made her feel ironic.When Lu Yingqin hugged her just now, if there was any smell on his body, it turned out to be this kind of smell.

She couldn't help but find it funny, and thought to herself: What are you still struggling with?He, Lu Yingqin, is getting married too, but he didn't lose you at all.

"Duanwu..." Yu Jiajia called out again, and after a long time said softly: "Just now, I saw Ying Qin coming out of here..." His words were brilliant, and he didn't say anything to expose Cheng Duanwu, but he still let Cheng Duanwu Cheng Duanwu felt embarrassed.

Cheng Duanwu smiled awkwardly, noncommittal, "If it's okay, I'll go first."

Cheng Duanwu didn't want to talk about anything else with Lu Yingqin's woman, even though Yu Jiajia was also Yu Dong's younger sister, Cheng Duanwu still didn't want to.She was tired, so tired that she didn't want to greet Yu Jiajia with a hypocritical face.Every time she said a word with Yu Jiajia, she felt a little embarrassed, and she didn't want to continue.

"Wait." Yu Jiajia stopped Cheng Duanwu again. She took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Duanwu, I want to ask you one thing."

"What?" Cheng Duanwu couldn't believe it, Yu Jiajia begged her?

Yu Jiajia frowned slightly, a beauty is a beauty, and when she frowned slightly, Xizi would hold her heart.

"Duan Wu, I know that my request is a little too much, but I still want to say," she paused, then raised her head again: "I hope you stay away from Ying Qin."

"What?" Cheng Duanwu found it funny. Could it be that she wasn't far enough away from Lu Yingqin?

"I know, it's Ying Qin..." Yu Jiajia bowed her head slightly, "I know you have helplessness, but I still hope that you can stay away from Ying Qin, for yourself, for my brother, and for me. I am willing to come out Money, let you and my brother leave here, go to London, go to Paris, go to Zurich...anywhere, as long as you want to go."


"No reason?" Yu Jiajia smiled calmly: "Of course, I'm willing to give you a bargaining chip to beg you."

Yu Jiajia looked up at her, "As long as you are willing to leave, I will give you the winter as well."

Cheng Duanwu didn't look for Yu Dong. If he saw the scars on her face at this moment, it would only embarrass both of them.Fortunately, Yu Dong was already so drunk that he was sent home.

Cheng Duanwu didn't take a taxi.She walked back slowly the way she had come.

The shadow of the moon was hazy, and the street lamps on both sides illuminated the feet, but could not ignite the sky.There was no one on the road in the middle of the night, only a few vehicles came and went, the dazzling headlights flickered by, Cheng Duanwu walked almost in a trance, step by step, the footprints were broken, the road had no end, and Cheng Duanwu was tireless.

She walked for too long, and the high-heeled leather shoes made her feet feel like they were on the tip of needles, and the pain was almost numb.But she didn't want to stop at all.

The night wind was blowing gently on her face and body, she felt cold, she stretched out her arms to hug herself, the cold hands touched her skin, it was still cold.

She sat on the side of the road anywhere, leaning against the little white poplar beside the road, like an indescribable drunk with her eyes closed and motionless.After a long time, she slowly opened her tired eyes. The half of her face that had been hit by Lu Yingqin was already swollen, which made her feel a little sad even to blink.

Lu Yingqin's attitude still hasn't changed at all, as soon as he sees her, his face will immediately become frosty, icy cold to the bone.Cheng Duanwu had never seen any warmth in his expression.

Cheng Duanwu took out her ID card from her bag, and Cheng Duanwu's ID card was placed in a frosted plastic film. She almost never left her body, and even Cheng Luoming never noticed it.

She carefully took out her ID card, tore off the photo pasted on the inside of the plastic film, and almost humbly held the torn-off photo to examine and caress carefully, like a foolish lunatic.

It was Lu Yingqin's registration photo, which Cheng Duanwu secretly tore off from Lu Yingqin's student ID card in the past, and there were uneven steel seals on it.For seven years, Cheng Duanwu almost never left his body.It doesn't matter if you say she's cheap or fantasizing, she's just so stupid, and no one can persuade her.

The feeling of loving someone humbly is like looking at the moon in the sky, which is out of reach but flocks to it.

The moon in the sky is as beautiful as it is beautiful, but it is not necessarily necessary to get it. This is her only realization over the years.

Cheng Duanwu thought that she would never love anyone again in this life.

In seven years, she has been exhausted in love, and her heart has been turned to ashes.

She used to think that maybe she would never meet Lu Yingqin again in this life, so she foolishly imagined that one day in the future, when Dong Dong grew up and Cheng Duan retired from this world, she could take the This photo said to Dong Dong: "Winter, this is your father."

It's a pity that Lu Yingqin didn't give her such a chance in the end.He wanted to leave the child, but he was determined not to want her.She has always known this result.

In the past, Lu Yingqin never let Cheng Duanwu have anything that belonged to him, and even gave her a photo.He was forced to take Cheng Duanwu out to play, but he never took a photo with Cheng Duanwu. Even if he was pushed into the camera, he must be standing in the corner farthest from Cheng Duanwu.At that time, Duan Wu's thoughts were so simple, he only thought that there would be a brighter future, and one day Lu Yingqin would accept her.

It's a pity that she didn't wait for that day in the end.

She still doesn't know whether it is luck or misfortune, the only time she was intimate, she became pregnant with Dong Dong.

I have to say that fate is really something that cannot be resisted.Lu Yingqin never let Cheng Duanwu have anything that belonged to him, but in the end he let her have the winter.

She thought that a child was the best memorial to love, but she could forget that this child was undoubtedly the greatest humiliation to Lu Yingqin.

He hated her and hated her so much, but she somehow and humblely possessed something that belonged to him.

For seven years, she has had nightmares.It was a very weird nightmare. In the dream, Lu Yingqin was alone and helpless, being beaten by a group of people, almost dying, he got up stubbornly, his whole body trembling, but he still straightened his spine.He turned his back to Cheng Duanwu, no matter how Cheng Duanwu called him, he would not turn back.

That feeling of helplessness has been so real for seven years.

Whenever she woke up from the nightmare, only a line of wet tears reminded her how panicked she was in the dream.

In fact, who can hurt Lu Yingqin today?She was too busy to take care of herself, and she didn't even know what to do.

Lu Yingqin always said that she owed him, yes, she owed him, but what about her indelible love for him?He never cared, he just trampled on the soles of his feet cruelly.In the end, even she herself couldn't bear to look at that broken heart.

Who said that love is innocent, if she is really innocent, can she be redeemed from the strong self-blame?
Cheng Luoming said to her more than once: "Cheng Duanwu, are you crazy! Do you know who Lu Yingqin is? If Lu Yingqin didn't get into trouble after his father's accident, would we have lived like this?"

"Even if Dad controlled him in the past, he shouldn't repay our family's kindness to him like this!"

"Cheng Duanwu! In the past, you were young and didn't understand hatred! Are you still so ignorant now? Who is Lu Yingqin? He's our enemy, enemy! Even if we can't beat him, you shouldn't be obsessed with him!"


How could she not understand the truth, Lu Yingqin's ruthless determination, who has a deeper understanding than her?But she couldn't persuade her heart.She always vaguely remembered Lu Yingqin's kindness.He is indifferent, and he disdains to talk to powerful people.But the injured beggars on the street can be carried to the hospital without blinking. He is not easy to get along with, but he never looks at anyone with colored glasses, and he will not see women as a burden like other men.

Sometimes Cheng Duanwu is thinking, if, if the 17-year-old Cheng Duanwu is not so greedy, if the 17-year-old Cheng Duanwu just likes him silently, will everything be different?
It's a pity that the current Cheng Duanwu can't understand the 17-year-old Cheng Duanwu.It's a pity that without the 17-year-old Cheng Duanwu, there would be no Cheng Duanwu now...

For so many years, no matter how tired she was, she never thought of really leaving.She has never lived in a city without Lu Yingqin, and she doesn't know if she can do it, so she dare not try.

Now Yu Jiajia gave her such a chance.

She said: "I am willing to pay you and my brother to leave here, go to London, go to Paris, go to Zurich...anywhere, as long as you want to go."

She also said: "As long as you are willing to leave, I will give you the winter too.

Every condition is enough to make her heart move, but she doesn't know why, and her heart is empty.

Needless to say, the condition of having Winter back with her was reason enough for her to agree readily to the request.And she did.She agreed to Yu Jiajia's request with little hesitation.

Leave here, hide far away, form a small family with Yu Dong, take good care of the two children, and take good care of the elder brother.

This blueprint is too beautiful, so beautiful that it is a little unreal.She was confused and terrified.

Slightly lowering her head, Cheng Duanwu stared absently at that old photo of Lu Yingqin, she only felt that her vision was getting blurry.There was an eraser in her mind, she couldn't remember what Lu Yingqin looked like.

She tore up Lu Yingqin's photo one by one. The tiny pieces were scattered by the wind and fell on the tidal ground. No one could piece together the original their ending.

Cheng Duanwu thought sadly: this time, is it really going to be "farewell"?
Unexpectedly, she was a little bit reluctant.

(End of this chapter)

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