aren't we in love

Chapter 24 Not afraid of death, but afraid of living?

Chapter 24 Not afraid of death, but afraid of living?

Lu Yingqin did not break his promise. Although he only went to the hospital once, because of him, Cheng Luoming received the most effective treatment, but Cheng Luoming still did not turn the corner.Cheng Duanwu stayed in the hospital without sleep for several days and nights, and what he got was one after another critical illness notice. The dangers again and again, and the time after time, made Cheng Duanwu physically and mentally exhausted.

No. On the 17th day, Cheng Luoming woke up a lot. He could open his eyes independently. His throat was cut and a tube was inserted, so he couldn't speak, but at least he could hear Cheng Duanwu's words.

Cheng Duanwu didn't dare to touch him for fear of hurting him, so he just squatted beside the hospital bed and whispered to him, "Brother, if you can hear me, just blink."

The corners of Cheng Luoming's lips trembled, but he still blinked cautiously. He hadn't eaten for a long time, and he relied on all kinds of potions to keep his life alive.Cheng Duanwu saw the pain in his eyes and felt in his heart, wishing he could suffer for him.

Cheng Duanwu licked his dry lips, tried his best to suppress the crying, forced the corners of his mouth to rise, and said softly: "Brother, I'm sorry, I made you suffer. If I brought you to the hospital earlier, you wouldn't feel so uncomfortable gone."

Cheng Luoming's eyes were a little wet, he tried to widen his eyes, and kept trying to speak, but he couldn't say anything, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Seeing that Cheng Luoming became emotional, Cheng Duanwu quickly held Cheng Luoming's hand and comforted him: "Don't move, don't move."

Cheng Luoming took a deep breath, lay back where he was, blinked wearily, and finally opened it again, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Brother, I shouldn't make you angry, it's my fault. But don't throw me away just because you're angry, and don't keep talking stupid things. You are not my burden, I need you very much, really .”

Cheng Luoming was a little moved. Although he was speechless due to coughing, he still blinked tremblingly.

"Aren't afraid of death, why are you afraid of living?" Cheng Duanwu held Cheng Luoming's hand vigorously, wanting to give him more strength, "You told me that before, do you still remember? You must hold on Now, the disease is cured, we don’t want anything, live a good life and get out of here, okay?”

Cheng Luoming's eyes were full of tears, and when he blinked lightly, the tears had already slid down the corners of his eyes.Cheng Duanwu knew that he was in pain, but she couldn't say anything to comfort him except to make him persist.She was so sad in her heart, but she didn't dare to really cry. At this time, Cheng Luoming still needed her as a strong backing.

"Brother, don't leave me, don't leave me." Cheng Duanwu was almost begging. She knew Cheng Luoming's current situation very well. She couldn't sleep for several days in a row. Waking up from a nightmare.

More than six years ago, Cheng Tianda left her suddenly like this.He said he went out to "run errands" and never came back once he left.In the middle of the night that night, Cheng Luoming woke her up from her sleep, and took her to a small village on the outskirts of the city overnight.

The next day, she saw a news report about Cheng Tianda on the black and white TV in the villager's house.Cheng Tianda was ambushed by the police and fell into a pool of blood. The bloodiest scene was mosaiced, but she still knew very well that it was her father.

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it.Cheng Tianda, who lived so beautifully, died so embarrassingly.Not even a man to cover him with a coat.

Later, the uncle of the Cheng family came forward as bail, and Cheng Duanwu and Cheng Luoming were not implicated and were called to identify the corpse.

Cheng Luoming didn't speak the whole time, he just held Cheng Duanwu's hand tightly, and Cheng Duanwu, who couldn't bear it, burst into tears.Cheng Duanwu still remembers the grief at that moment clearly even after many years have passed.Cheng Duanwu didn't want to experience the feeling of losing the skin and flesh of his loved ones again, never again.

"Father left me, you can't leave me anymore, don't you worry about leaving me in this world?" Cheng Duanwu said, his voice choked.She was so frightened that she couldn't help herself.God, she can't lose any more, really can't.

Cheng Luoming seemed to have sensed her sadness as well, he kept blinking, and tears poured out like a floodgate.

Cheng Duanwu was throbbing with pain in her heart, she raised her head and wiped away Cheng Luoming's tears, "It will be fine, everything will be fine." She couldn't tell if she was comforting him or comforting herself...

In the end, Cheng Luoming didn't survive to eighteen days. In the early morning, Cheng Luoming's brain bleeds again. The doctor tried his best to save him, but in the end he couldn't do anything, so he shook his head at Cheng Duanwu dejectedly: "The patient is brain dead. Out of the spirit of humanity, we won't Take the initiative to remove his oxygen, depending on what the family members want. Brain death is already the criterion for judging death in foreign countries...Of course, we will still respect the family members' wishes..."

The doctor tried to be as tactful as possible, but Cheng Duanwu was not so stupid.She stood at the door of the ICU, clenched her fists tightly.She couldn't believe that Cheng Luoming really let go.

He just woke up a few hours ago, and he promised her that he would never leave her.

But he was so cunning, he left first.

He left Duanwu alone in this world, and he made it clear that he would leave here in the future and live a good life.

Why doesn't he keep his word?
Cheng Duanwu stared blankly into the distance, and said quietly to the doctor, "Why didn't you save him? I'm rich, why didn't I save him?"

Although the doctor was used to such scenes, he was very moved when he watched Cheng Duanwu watch over him non-stop for more than ten days, "I'm sorry, we have tried our best..."

Just like the scene in a TV series, the real life was lost, and only a sentence of "I tried my best" was exchanged. Cheng Duanwu couldn't accept this cruel fact.

For more than three hours, Cheng Duanwu didn't move or say a word.The doctors and nurses in the hospital were worried that she would be overwhelmed, so they sent a young nurse to accompany her.

Finally she woke up.

Cheng Luoming's oxygen tube was pulled out by her own hands, and she couldn't see him continue to suffer.

He was covered with tape all over his body and had a tube inserted. No matter how calm he looked at this scene, he would find it shocking.For Cheng Luoming, the [-]-day treatment meant repeated suffering.

In fact, Cheng Duanwu knew it all along, but she couldn't stop struggling.

In the past seventeen days, a cerebral hemorrhage burst blood vessels, and a few patients passed away. Watching the whole family cry, Cheng Duanwu has been expecting a miracle.But in the end there was no miracle.

Cheng Luoming's lips parted slightly, his eyes were half-opened, his pupils were dilated, and his half-opened eyes were full of whites.Cheng Duanwu silently held his hand to make him close his eyes safely.

The arc of the string that symbolizes Cheng Luoming's heartbeat in the machine has become smaller and smaller, becoming more and more straight. Cheng Duanwu knew that Cheng Luoming was about to be released.

Freed, he no longer has to see the sadness in this world.

Cheng Duanwu smiled, but tears kept blurring her vision uncontrollably.She couldn't describe how she felt at this moment.If Cheng Luoming hadn't been there for these six years, she might have died long ago.Cheng Luoming, who lived with her and suffered together, finally couldn't wait and left her.

Maybe, heaven is really good, right?Otherwise, how could Cheng Luoming be willing?How could he be willing to leave her behind?

Her tears kept flowing, but she didn't make the slightest sound. She knelt by the bed, tightly holding Cheng Luoming's cold hand.

She knew that this was a sign that Cheng Luoming's life was slowly passing away, but she didn't dare to wake him up again.

She let him go and let him go to enjoy himself alone.

In the next life, in the next life, she will definitely be brother and sister with him.

He will always be her brother, but she is still her wayward sister...

Cheng Luoming's funeral was arranged by Lu Yingqin's subordinates.The two brothers and sisters had lived together for many years and had no relatives anymore, but Lu Yingqin still ordered his staff to make it grand.He thought that, as his patron, he had already given Cheng Duanwu enough face.

In fact, when he knew that Cheng Duanwu was begging him because of Cheng Luoming, he felt much more at ease.Although he didn't know where this comfort came from, at least it swept away the depression he had had for a long time because of Yu Dong.

It's just that after Cheng Luoming's death, Cheng Duanwu became a little bit wrong.Now she is as quiet as a ghost.After the funeral was held for a few days, she kept silent, and she ignored the people who came to worship, and just silently hugged Cheng Luoming's photo.

Lu Yingqin has always been somewhat disgusted with Cheng Luoming. At that time, Cheng Luoming bullied him, and he couldn't completely let go of it, but maybe time really smoothed everything out.When he learned that Cheng Luoming was about to die, his concern for the past became less profound.

Although he didn't attend Cheng Luoming's funeral, the people under him still passed on news to him from time to time. It was just the news from below. Every time he heard a piece of news, he frowned even more...

The funeral was held for three days and finally came to an end. Cheng Luoming was born a proud son of heaven, and his death was considered a grand funeral.But Cheng Duanwu knew that he must be very, very unhappy, because Lu Yingqin gave all of this.

You know, Cheng Luoming really doesn't want Cheng Duanwu to step into the fire pit again.But she had no choice, in order to save Cheng Luoming, she couldn't think of other candidates.

The day of Cheng Luoming's burial had been cloudy and rainy. Cheng Duanwu personally put his ashes in the cemetery, sealed it up and erected a monument.Everything is following normal procedure.His new home is next to Cheng Tianda. Although Lu Yingqin is unfeeling, he still treats Cheng Tianda well. Everyone was treated badly back then, only Cheng Tianda, who chose an expensive cemetery for him.

Unfortunately, no matter how gorgeous the tomb is, it is still a tomb.

Whether it's Cheng Tianda or Cheng Luoming, what can they feel?

In the past, because they were afraid of meeting Lu Yingqin again, Cheng Duanwu and Cheng Luoming didn't dare to visit Cheng Tianda, but now that she has nothing, she can visit her father openly.

Cheng Duanwu smiled bitterly, almost desperately, she silently stroked the cold tombstone.

Didn't say a word until leaving.

She was silent all the time, and Lu Yingqin placed her in a house in the city, and she didn't resist, she really took what she wanted as she said to Lu Yingqin.

But Lu Yingqin didn't like this kind of feeling, now Cheng Duanwu was living like a walking dead, not a bit angry, the stubbornness that made his heart beat in the past, as well as her unique aura, all disappeared with Cheng Luoming's death.

Lu Yingqin would take time to visit her every day, but no matter what he said, Cheng Duanwu would never refute or get angry. She didn't raise her eyes, and lowered her head humbly, her eyes full of sadness.At first he thought she had lost a loved one, so he put up with her, but after a long time, she was still like this, and Lu Yingqin became more anxious and angrier the more he looked at her.

After dinner, Auntie cleaned up the dishes, and Cheng Duanwu also helped.When Lu Yingqin was around, she was always desperately looking for things to do, almost never wanting to face him for a moment.Lu Yingqin saw it in his eyes, and his heart was clear.

"Cheng Duanwu." Lu Yingqin coldly called Cheng Duanwu who turned around and was about to go back to his room.

Cheng Duanwu stopped in place, his back was stiff, but he still turned his head.She still didn't speak, she lowered her head, waiting for Lu Yingqin to speak.

"Come here." Lu Yingqin ordered in a deep voice.In fact, Lu Yingqin himself didn't know why he spent money and time to pester this woman.He said that he spent money to buy her back to play with her, but he hasn't touched her for so long.She is now so thin that she is out of shape, her shoulder bones are thin and pointed, her whole figure is like a piece of dry wood, lifeless, her eyes are extremely big and abrupt, and there is only a little beauty left on her thin face. It is no exaggeration to say that now Throwing Cheng Duanwu on the street will only scare people.

But Lu Yingqin was reluctant to let go.

There are so many young and beautiful women around him, but he always wants Cheng Duanwu.He couldn't understand his obsessive-compulsive paranoia.Even, he would faintly be frustrated because of Cheng Duanwu's indifference.

"sit down."

Cheng Duanwu sat obediently opposite Lu Yingqin, and Lu Yingqin felt that her obedient state was like torture.

"Cheng Duanwu, did you get up this morning and look in the mirror?" Lu Yingqin frowned tightly, he didn't want to speak to provoke her, but he couldn't help it, "Have you looked at yourself now? Who are you trying to scare to death?" What? I paid for you like this? Did you look in the mirror? Do you think you are worth that price?!"

Cheng Duan's five eyelids did not move, and he kept his head down.Lu Yingqin became even angrier and shouted at her: "I'm talking to you! Look up!"

Cheng Duanwu was taken aback by his yelling, then raised his head indifferently, and fixedly looked at Lu Yingqin.A pair of big empty eyes were strange and beautiful, Lu Yingqin was almost sucked in just by looking at them.

He tried his best to suppress his anger, frowned and asked Cheng Duanwu solemnly, "Cheng Duanwu, tell me, do you want to die once and for all?"

Cheng Duanwu, who had been silent all this time, finally reacted to Lu Yingqin's words.Her eyelids trembled, and after a long time, she softly uttered a word: "Yes."

Lu Yingqin was shocked by her answer, he just asked so angrily, but he didn't expect that the first thing she said in so long was to tell him that she wanted to die, and it was all over.

"You're dreaming!" Lu Yingqin scoffed at her almost instinctively: "I spent so much money to buy a corpse? Cheng Duanwu, don't have sweet dreams!"

Cheng Duanwu blinked and looked at him calmly, "Lu Yingqin, I want to know, how can I pay off what I owe you? How much can you pay in one night? How many nights can I pay back?"

Lu Yingqin stared excitedly, and looked at Cheng Duanwu in disbelief, "Pay it off? Who do you think you are? Calculate the price? Are you qualified?"

Cheng Duanwu's eyes gradually darkened. She didn't seem to be affected by Lu Yingqin's sarcasm at all, but said helplessly, "Is it unclear as long as I live?" Cheng Duanwu held his fingers and said every word He said suddenly, "Lu Yingqin, if I die, will all my debts to you be written off?"

(End of this chapter)

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