aren't we in love

Chapter 25 Roses are not roses even in beauty

Chapter 25 Roses are not roses even in beauty

The corners of Lu Yingqin's mouth were tense, and he stared at Cheng Duanwu for a moment, begging to see some other expressions on her face.He thought, she must be angry to say such a thing, right?
But no, there was nothing strange on her face, and there was peace in her eyes.

Lu Yingqin wanted to strangle her to death, but he couldn't do it. After a long time, he straightened out his breathing, and he was unexpectedly calm. 'Is that what you say?"

Cheng Duanwu was calmer than him, her black and white eyes reflected Lu Yingqin's appearance, Lu Yingqin looked a little dazed.

She said: "In this world, I don't want to owe you the last thing. Owing to you will make me feel sick." She smiled softly, that smile was so meaningful, "Thank you for giving me such a life, I have nothing now Are you happy? My dad and brother are gone, are you happy? Don’t you just want me to live like this? "

Looking up again, her eyes were filled with water, "Lu Yingqin, I regret it so much, I regret knowing you so much!"

Lu Yingqin frowned tightly. He stared at Cheng Duanwu more and more dangerously. His voice was cold and chilling. He sneered coldly: "Really? Cheng Duanwu, do you feel sick? Then I Tell you, you really have to be sick all the time." He got up, grabbed his coat, and the coat swept across, bringing a gust of cool wind.

"You can try to die. Let me tell you, I am good to you! As long as you die, I will let Yu Dong be buried with you, and his daughter. Oh, yes!" He seemed to suddenly realize something , suddenly smiled, like a bloodthirsty devil, turned around and said to Cheng Duanwu coldly: "And his father-in-law, so many people were buried with you, Cheng Duanwu, what do you think?" The anger on Lu Yingqin's body They all disappeared, and he returned to his usual kindness, and his gaze towards Cheng Duanwu was suddenly peaceful.

"..." Cheng Duanwu bit her lips tightly. She had never looked at anyone with such resentment. At this moment, her gaze was as cold as ice, and her gaze followed Lu Yingqin all the time, without saying a word.Lu Yingqin stood for a while, ignored her, got up and walked to the entrance.The moment he opened the door to go out, Cheng Duanwu who had been silent all this time finally said, "Lu Yingqin, what else would you do besides threatening me?"

What answered her was Lu Yingqin slamming the door shut.

Lu Yingqin felt that he was about to explode with anger. Sometimes he was really afraid that he would kill that woman if he couldn't control it, but when he thought about it, he always felt suspicious and reluctant.He was almost tormented by his disturbing emotions.

From the time he got in the car, the driver didn't dare to say anything to him. There was a bone-chilling chill all over his body, which made people shudder, and he couldn't help but be cautious when facing him, as if walking on thin ice.

The driver silently sent him back to the villa on the outskirts of the city.

As soon as he entered the door, his overall aura was not right, and the aunt in charge didn't dare to touch Ni Lin, and routinely asked him if he had eaten, and quickly retreated after receiving a negative answer.

He stood dully by the bed smoking a cigarette, the smell of tobacco temporarily relieved his messy mind.He opened the gauze curtain, and he had a panoramic view of the exquisiteness outside the window.

This villa is owned by Cheng Tianda, and Cheng Duanwu has been living here in the past.

She was born as a little princess, and wherever she goes, she always looks majestic and arrogant.Cheng Tianda protected her so well that she hardly knew the dangers in the world.

Lu Yingqin quietly looked out of the window, a large area of ​​roses swaying in the wind, the fragrance was fragrant and refreshing.

In Lu Yingqin's memory, the first planted in the yard were precious white roses.That's Miss Cheng's preference.She seemed to have always liked these rare and flashy things, and in his memory he had always despised Miss Cheng like that.

Later, he placed Yu Jiajia here. Thinking about how cowardly Yu Jiajia still couldn't bear it, she decided to replace the white rose with a rose.

How careless is Lu Yingqin?It has never been discovered.

No matter how beautiful a rose is, it is not a rose after all, and a rose is precious, but it bears hurtful thorns.

Yu Jiajia is easy to get, but she is not the rose in Lu Yingqin's heart after all.But Cheng Duanwu lost all the characteristics of roses, but there was only one thing, which could not be changed for a lifetime, and that was the angular thorns on her body.

Lu Yingqin smiled, thinking it was ridiculous, because of this little flower, he thought of two women.

He closed the gauze curtain, turned around and sat down on his seat, and put out his cigarette.With the documents on the desk that need to be resolved urgently, he rubbed his temples and devoted himself to his work.

The phone rang suddenly, Lu Yingqin sighed softly, and picked it up.On the phone, Guan Yi tried his best to modify the words, but the meaning expressed was still very obvious.

That brat Winter got into trouble at school.

Lu Yingqin hung up the phone and grabbed his clothes to go out. Since sending the child to the closed noble primary school, he has not cared much about it.That child is also very strange, he can get along well with Yu Jiajia and the nanny, but when he sees him, he is as tense as an enemy.This is very similar to his mother.

In a fit of rage, Lu Yingqin sent him to a boarding school.I don't want this child to have to find a sense of existence, which will only cause him trouble, and think that he has not been tossed enough by his mother who doesn't know what to do!
The teachers at the school were very polite. That stinky boy in winter looked as thin as bean sprouts, but he looked like him when he was fierce. He beat three of them by himself, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Lu Yingqin is no other parent, in his world there are only the weak and the strong.Seeing that his son didn't suffer, he lost all anger.

The teacher asked him to take it home and talk about it, and he also agreed.

Sitting in the car, the child has not spoken.

Lu Yingqin gave him a squinting look and snorted slightly, "What's the matter, expressing dissatisfaction? Why don't you speak now?"

After all, Dong Dong is a child, and he can't stand his provocation, "What's the matter with you?" He still looks like he rejects people thousands of miles away.

Lu Yingqin wasn't angry either: "I'm your father, you've seen it, I'll take care of you if you cause trouble."

"I didn't ask you."

"Stinky boy!" Lu Yingqin's eyes widened, and he was preparing to teach this child well.The child turned his head indifferently, and pointed the back of his head at Lu Yingqin. His exposed neck was as white as snow. Lu Yingqin suddenly remembered Cheng Duanwu, who also ignored him again and again and made him feel embarrassed.He trembled with rage at the thought of all the outrageous things she had said to him.

One death and one death?Is there such a simple thing in this world?Lu Yingqin scoffed coldly.

He frowned, and rudely pulled the child's head, "Boy, let me ask you, do you miss your mother!"

When Dong Dong heard it, the longing in his eyes immediately appeared. After all, he was a child, who was fragile and didn't know how to hide his emotions.He opened his mouth to speak, but curled his lips and ignored him.

"I know you lied to me, I don't believe you anymore."

"I won't lie to you this time, as long as you listen to me, I will let you see your mother."

Lu Yingqin didn't show up again for a whole week, and Cheng Duanwu felt like a helpless duckweed.Every day when she wakes up from the dream and wakes up from the dream, she is in a trance, almost unable to figure out whether she is awake or dreaming.

Every night when I woke up, I was haunted by nightmares, and those painful pasts were always repeated in my mind.

The aunt who takes care of her every day will ask her to eat. At first, she was unwilling to cooperate, but looking at the aunt who is struggling to live, she can't bear to embarrass others. No matter how uncomfortable it is, she still eats and rests on time.

She knew she couldn't just die like this, and she didn't want to hurt more people.Every time she dreams back, she has been tortured by sin and almost collapsed, and she can't let herself bear more.

On the weekend, Lu Yingqin came prepared. He had lunch with the silent Cheng Duanwu, and Cheng Duanwu still didn't say a word during the whole process.After a few days of seeing each other, she lost weight again, and the blackness under her big eyes made her look like a haggard patient.She ate almost silently, no matter how hard Lu Yingqin held his breath, it was as if he couldn't hear her breathing.

He put down the bowls and chopsticks, and asked someone to clean up indifferently. Cheng Duanwu didn't disobey on purpose. She sat quietly in her seat, looking down at her fingers.

"Cheng Duanwu, do you think that if you go on like this and torture yourself to death, I won't pursue it?" Lu Yingqin's tone was so calm that it made people panic.

Cheng Duanwu still didn't reply and didn't raise his head, Lu Yingqin couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Get up, go get dressed, let's go out."

Cheng Duanwu finally had a reaction, "I don't want to go out."

"Heh," Lu Yingqin sneered, "Isn't he still dead? Just be more obedient to me if you're still alive!"

Lu Yingqin roughly pulled Cheng Duanwu's arm, she was as thin as a paper figure, Lu Yingqin pulled her up with only a little force.His hands tightly wrapped around Cheng Duanwu's wrists, her wrists were so thin that he could break them with a little more force, this kind of touch made him a little scared.

This woman's cruelty to him has completely exceeded his imagination.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Are you qualified to ask questions?"

Cheng Duanwu stopped struggling, "Let me go, I'll go get a piece of clothing."

Lu Yingqin let go in response.Cheng Duanwu went back to his room like a wandering soul, took some clothes, and followed Lu Yingqin out.

She also couldn't remember exactly how many times she took Lu Yingqin's car, and it seemed that every time was a bad memory, which made her feel a little guilty.Now she has no nostalgia for this world, she selfishly wants to get rid of it, but she can't get rid of it no matter what.This devil-like man has always bound her like a terrifying web.

She rested her chin on one hand and stared blankly out of the window.Lu Yingqin was sitting beside her, his breath seemed to invade her senses.

Seeing the ever-reversing scenery outside the car window becoming more and more familiar, Cheng Duanwu was no longer safe, her breathing became more and more rapid, her heart seemed to be jumping in her throat, she turned around in fear and grabbed Lu Yingqin's clothes tightly.

"Where do you want to take me? Where do you want to take me!"

Lu Yingqin ignored her, he sat still, and slowly brushed off Cheng Duanwu's hand that was holding him, saying each word: "Sit down, don't you want to die? After going to this place, I will definitely Complete you."

Cheng Duanwu felt extremely frustrated. She bit her lip and resisted fiercely, "I won't go! I won't go! I won't go!" She pulled the door handle like crazy.With great force, the doorknob was pulled down with a "bang".

Lu Yingqin finally got angry, he became ruthless, restrained Cheng Duanwu, and stared at her with an expression as if he was about to eat her, "I can't help you! Cheng Duanwu, aren't you capable? Don't you dare to resist me?" Are you done? Go on, why did you back down? Why did you back down!"

Cheng Duanwu turned a deaf ear to his stern questioning, she beat on the car window desperately, "Let me go! I won't go! Lu Yingqin, you bastard! Let me go!"

No matter how hard she struggled, the car still drove to the villa on the outskirts of the city.

The familiar scenery in front of him made Cheng Duanwu quiet in an instant.She only felt that her eyes were gradually blurred, and the memories coming one after another came at her like a golden horse and iron horse. The world was spinning, and she was so nervous that she couldn't even breathe.

Lu Yingqin held onto her hand tightly and dragged her to the villa.

He kicked open the door of the room violently, and there was a loud noise as if the whole house was shocked.He threw Cheng Duanwu hard, and Cheng Duanwu staggered and fell in.

"Cheng Duanwu! Aren't you the cruelest? Go to death if you have the ability, go."

Cheng Duanwu struggled to support his elbows, and before she got up, a pair of small hands were warmly attached to her.The warmth seemed to reach Cheng Duanwu's heart, and in just a moment, the iron wall Cheng Duanwu built collapsed.

"Mom..." The child's voice was crying because of excitement.

As soon as Cheng Duanwu raised her head, Dongdong's teary face had been deeply imprinted into her eyes.

"Mom, why haven't you come to pick me up for so long?"

Cheng Duanwu's eyes were full of water in an instant, and she was so sad that her heart, which was originally riddled with holes, was peeled off into petals in an instant.

"Mom... Mom... why don't you want me... why don't you come and pick me up..."

(End of this chapter)

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