aren't we in love

Chapter 35 We will never owe each other from now on

Chapter 35 We will never owe each other from now on

Cheng Duanwu had never had any contact with Ou Hanwen since he was born.Back then, Ou Lianyue betrayed her relatives because of Cheng Tianda, and Ou Hanwen, who was in an important position, personally issued a statement to sever ties with her.The relationship of that bloodline also seemed to be severed.

Ou Lianyue is a person who lives recklessly. For the sake of love, she gave up the avenues planned by her family and chose a man who was at odds with her family.Ou Hanwen only had his only daughter, Ou Lianyue, at the age of 30, but he didn't want to raise a daughter who had been in the righteous way for nearly 30 years, but followed a crooked way.Perhaps in this world, there has never been an absolute boundary between black and white, but this does not mean that Ou Hanwen, as the leader, can solemnly marry his daughter to such a person.

Ou Lianyue was uncompromising, and Ou Hanwen would never give in.In the end, the father and daughter broke up completely and never contacted again.

Cheng Duanwu and Cheng Luoming didn't even think about going to find Ou Hanwen when they were in the worst times. At that time, they were living at the bottom of the society, and when they occasionally saw Ou Hanwen on TV, they seemed to be just strangers.Cheng Duanwu always remembered that when Ou Lianyue passed away, he blinked a pair of ethereal eyes, and said with regret: "In this life, he has no regrets that I am not around. I am a little sad, but I don't know why, but I still want to be that old man in the next life." daughter of..."

Ou Lianyue has lived a freer life than ordinary people all her life. When she was young, Ou Hanwen was regarded as the apple of her eye, and when she married Cheng Tianda, she was loved and cared for in every possible way. Died of leukemia.

Cheng Duanwu thought about many possibilities, and the worst plan was that Ou Hanwen didn't want to recognize her, but she was cornered and there was no way out, and there was no one else who could help her except him.

Ou Hanwen is already very old, but he doesn't look old at all. It may be that he has been in military uniform for many years.He didn't show any surprise at Cheng Duanwu's arrival. He sat opposite Cheng Duanwu and brewed Kungfu tea comfortably.

Cheng Duanwu tightly held the skirt with one hand, and Dong Dong's hand with the other.The child, who knew nothing, glanced hesitantly between Cheng Duanwu and Ou Hanwen, but he didn't dare to speak, and sat obediently.

Cheng Duanwu took a deep breath and said, "In winter, call me grandpa."

Dongdong raised his head timidly: "Grandpa."

Ou Hanwen glanced at the child lovingly, then smiled.Neither agreed nor denied.Just take the exquisite purple sand teapot and order water, and use the first tea to rinse the tea set.Movement is smooth and skilled.

Cheng Duanwu didn't know what identity he should face Ou Hanwen, he just bit his lips tightly, waiting for Ou Hanwen's reaction.Before the second tea was ready, Ou Hanwen called the nanny to take Dong Dong away.The child, who would be extremely nervous in an unfamiliar environment, did not let go of Cheng Duanwu's hand. Cheng Duanwu comforted him for a while before Ou Hanwen transferred the child away.

He cut to the chase and asked, "What is Miss Cheng looking for, this stinky old man?"

He used the title "Miss Cheng", and his closeness was immediately apparent. This stubborn old man still couldn't let go of the past.

Cheng Duanwu bit his lower lip, and finally whispered: "My mother...been dead for a long time..."

"Heh." Ou Hanwen smiled vaguely, "Really?"

He didn't look surprised at all, "It's been almost 20 years now. You cruel girl, you really deserved her curse. I don't have a daughter to die." No matter how young he was, his expression was stubborn and indifferent.Ou Lianyue's brows looked very much like him, even in her frightening waywardness.

Ou Hanwen poured the brewed tea into the cup in front of Cheng Duanwu, and said calmly, "How old is that child?"


Ou Hanwen raised his eyebrows and pointed in the direction where Dong Dong left.

Cheng Duanwu replied in a regular manner: "Six years old."

Ou Hanwen sighed with emotion: "Old, indeed I am old." He smiled lightly, "Tell me, why did you come to find me?"

Cheng Duanwu paused for a long time before saying: "I know my request is too much, but now no one can help me except you. Winter... I hope I can entrust him to you, please take good care of him , send him away from here, the farther the better..."

Ou Hanwen didn't speak.Just looked at her for a long time.Without saying anything, he turned and entered the house.For the first time, he hugged Xiaodong who was still full of confusion.

He didn't ask her why, and Ou Hanwen knew a lot about her. Although this stubborn old man didn't want to recognize her, he still paid attention to her secretly.Knowing the answer is enough for her.

In the future, when Cheng Duanwu finds Ou Lianyue underground, he can tell her that he has forgiven her.

Many things in a person's life are unpredictable.Like pain.But pain is unavoidable.

Cheng Duanwu is not a qualified mother. The most sorry thing in her life is the child she bought with her life. Because of her sloppyness, she brought the child into this world to suffer, but she did not follow her promise to accompany him to the last moment.

For a moment, she thought about letting go of her hatred and flying away, but when she held Dong Dong's hand tightly, she couldn't help thinking of all the harm Lu Yingqin had brought her.The anger and hatred in her chest made her unable to bear and let go.In many cases, hatred also changes from quantitative to qualitative.

When bidding farewell to Ou Hanwen, Winter was already sound asleep, and he had been tossing and tossing with Cheng Duanwu since early in the morning. The young children were already exhausted. The innocent child had already endured enough in this adult war.Fortunately, without her in the future, his life will be peaceful and smooth.

Only, without her.

Maybe this is what's best for him?
At the moment of leaving, Cheng Duanwu secretly kissed Dongdong's cheek. In the past six years, every time she kissed the child's cheek, her heart was extremely soft.Only this time, she made a different decision.

Driving alone on the road into the suburban expressway, I haven't touched a car in seven years, and I'm still a little raw, but Cheng Duanwu immediately regained the feeling in memory.The person who taught her to drive is no longer there.

Cheng Tianda's giggling voice still rings in his ears: "Dragon Boat Festival, step on the clutch."

Cheng Luoming's impatient but serious voice also began to echo: "Duanwu, how many times have I taught you! Why did you forget again? Are we really brothers and sisters! Why is there such a difference in IQ?"


Everything seems to be still yesterday, but everything is different.

Cheng Duanwu got up in humiliation early in the morning, and the nanny's unaware whispers also sounded at this moment: "Mr. Lu really wants to send the young master abroad? Such a young child, if the wife doesn't follow, can it do?"

"Who knows? I heard from Lao Liu that the two quarreled again yesterday. They are really enemies..."

"Actually, Madam is also quite miserable... A few newspapers ago, Ms. Jiajia came back, Madam is afraid that she will give up her seat, no wonder Mr. Lu wants to send the child away, don't want to leave any trouble..."


Cheng Duanwu felt that his mind was filled with all kinds of voices, and all the nerves in his brain were tense, as if he would collapse if he relaxed a little.She loves Lu Yingqin, but she hates him even more.In all these years, she had never hated him so much for a moment, she hated him so much that she wanted to tear him to pieces, drink blood and eat flesh.He can humiliate her, he can not love her, he can lose her, but he can't torture her child.

Even, even if this child was born by her selfishness against his will, he shouldn't, shouldn't take his anger out on such a young child.

My heart hurts sharply, almost uncontrollably.Cheng Duanwu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying not to let himself think about it.Opening her eyes again, she finally regained her composure.

Drive the car to the coast on the outskirts of the city.Below the high viewing platform is the magnificent coast.The surface of the sea flowed in waves like dark, wrinkled silk.She parked the car a few hundred meters away from the viewing platform, hidden among a row of parked cars, and there was no one around. These cars were probably driven by tourists who came to visit the hotel.

The sky was cloudy and rainy, and there was no one on the road, except for occasional vehicles passing by at a fast speed.

Cheng Duanwu looked at this strange but seemingly familiar scene, feeling sorry for himself.After a long time, she called Lu Yingqin.Someone will pick you up soon.Lu Yingqin's furious voice exploded in his ears.But Cheng Duanwu didn't panic at all, she reported the address methodically.

Lu Yingqin will come.He didn't even ask her what she was going to do, just repeatedly asked: "Where are you?!"

During this trip, she didn't have any thoughts, and she didn't want to give herself any way out.When Ou Hanwen gave her the car keys, he asked her, "Why bother? Why bother looking for him?"

She didn't refute, but replied firmly: "Even if you hurt yourself a thousand, you have to hurt him eight hundred."

Apart from dying together, she could no longer think of a second possibility with Lu Yingqin, that it was him who drove her to a dead end with his own hands.

In less than half an hour, Lu Yingqin's car appeared in her sight.Cheng Duanwu stared at the car for a moment, only to see Lu Yingqin get out of the driver's seat in a hurry, put one hand on the car, and looked around.

He came alone.Cheng Duanwu thought about it, okay, this is the best ending.

The phone rang in due course.Cheng Duanwu looked at the anxious man holding up his mobile phone, paused for a moment, and connected.

"Where are you?" Lu Yingqin's voice was stiff and cold, full of anger.

"I am driving."

"Driving?! Cheng Duanwu! You don't have a driver's license!"

"I know." Cheng Duanwu explained the facts calmly, but Lu Yingqin was shocked.

"Do you want to die?!" Lu Yingqin's roar was raised a few more degrees. Even sitting in the car, Cheng Duanwu seemed to be able to hear Lu Yingqin's hysterical voice hundreds of meters away.

Cheng Duanwu didn't answer him, but said very calmly: "Lu Yingqin, I just want to ask you a few questions."

"Stop the car first, tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up, if you want to ask anything, ask in person!"

"Once I'm done asking, I'll stop naturally."

"Okay, you ask."

Cheng Duanwu wiped the windshield with his hands. There was no dust, but he wanted to wipe it cleaner and see more clearly.She was very familiar with Lu Yingqin's back pacing impatiently not far away.

"The first question, Lu Yingqin, seven years ago, my uncle reported my dad, you knew it beforehand, right?"

Lu Yingqin on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, "Yes, but things are not what you imagined! I..."

"Enough," Cheng Duanwu interrupted him calmly, "I just want to know if you knew in advance, I don't want to know anything else." She held the phone, her voice was neither high nor low, "Second question, do you Are you going to send winter abroad?"

"Yes." Without an explanation, Lu Yingqin's answer was sonorous and forceful, like a sharp knife, piercing Cheng Duanwu's heart. Cheng Duanwu felt pain, but she smiled, desperately and sadly.

"One last question." Cheng Duanwu took a deep breath while holding the phone that was starting to get hot, "I work in a nightclub, and you deliberately let others tell my brother. You want to force me to be desperate to beg you, don't you?"

Lu Yingqin, who was extremely angry, suddenly became quiet.He turned his back to Cheng Duanwu, Cheng Duanwu couldn't see his expression clearly, but his breath seemed to disappear from the phone suddenly.It took him a long time to smile lightly, as if sneering: "Cheng Duanwu, so you think so? You clearly have the answer in your heart? Why do you still ask me?"

"I just want you to answer, yes or no?"

Lu Yingqin smiled coldly: "Yes."

"Okay, that's enough." Cheng Duanwu smiled wearily.

"Boom—" Cheng Duanwu suddenly turned the car key.Lu Yingqin's attention was caught by the mechanical sound of the car being ignited.

He asked warily, "Where are you?!"

Cheng Duanwu didn't answer, but turned the steering wheel coldly, and said the last sentence into the phone: "Lu Yingqin, after today, we will not owe each other anything."

After finishing speaking, he slammed on the accelerator with his right foot, the machine ran to the loudest, and everything around him seemed to fly back.Just like the extremely fast camera movement in a movie, all the scenes and colors become flashes of light.The car window was half open, and the biting wind blew on Cheng Duanwu's face, but Cheng Duanwu felt no pain at all.

Perhaps, her whole body is the same as her heart, cold, numb, and unconscious.

The phone was thrown out of the window by her, and the speed of the car was so fast that she didn't even hear the sound of the phone falling to the ground.

At this moment, her eyes were focused, as if she couldn't see anything except the black figure a few hundred meters away.

Jade, burn together.

Cheng Duanwu smiled in relief, everything, everything is finally coming to an end...

Right foot... stepping on it to the bottom, the million-dollar SUV crashed into the car on the viewing platform... and, beside the car, barely turned around, before he could react... Lu Yingqin...

(End of this chapter)

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