Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 745 Fall into Hell

Chapter 745 Fall into Hell
Thinking of this, he ordered angrily: "No one is allowed to surrender. If they surrender, they will all be killed without mercy!"

I don't know if this sentence is a temporary order, or I am worried that if I don't say it at this moment, I won't have a chance to say it.

King Yu found the angry He Yong in the dark from far away, the key is that he was the most excited among the crowd, he was so excited that he even killed his own people, can you not notice him?

If he hadn't seen clearly that the man was He Yong, he would have thought that the other party had his own spies!
Then, he pulled up the three-bow bed crossbow in his hand. The three-bow bed crossbow has three arrows in one shot and three arrows in one shot. He aimed at He Yong in the dark night. With a sound of "咻", his arrow shot directly at He Yong. past.

His arrows are fast!Very fierce!As a result, He Yongcai dodged other rockets, and when he wanted to dodge his rockets, it was already too late.

With a sound of "Boom!", the three arrows accurately hit the position closest to He Yong's heart.

They shot deeply into his chest, heart, and ribs, and at the same time, immediately set his armor and robe on fire.

He let out an "uh", his chest twitched, his body became hotter and hotter, a surge of heart blood passed through his throat and spread to the edge of his mouth, and then he let out a "poof", spurting out a lot of heart blood.



People around him were calling him, but his consciousness gradually blurred, everything happened so quickly, it was like a dream, and when he woke up, he was going to die, so ironic.

He stared at King Yu in disbelief, and before he died, he smiled stubbornly and madly: "Hahahaha! So what if you win me, there are traitors like the Sixth Prince in the capital who write to me, I don't believe you can do it in the future!" Good. Where are you going!"

After finishing speaking, he fell straight down, falling into the fierce fire.

Soon, everyone also forgot about him, because the rockets from the opposite side shot towards him more violently, and it was too late for them to save their lives, so there was no time to care about his life or death.

But what he said before his death shocked King Yu and the elite soldiers. The sixth prince was actually a spy!Traitor!Send news to He Yong and the others!

At this time, those who died filled the trap, and everyone stepped on the corpses of their own people to fight against King Yu's men.

For a while, the confronting generals of the two sides killed each other's people. In this final decisive battle, it is not certain who will win and who will lose.

But the surroundings had already flowed into rivers of blood, and corpses were strewn all over the field, the situation was very tragic.

No matter which side it is for, it will be a catastrophe. Those who win will usher in a bright future, and those who lose will fall into hell!

When the enemy approached, the people behind King Yu continued to shoot rockets at the enemy, while King Yu led the generals in front to lead the battle.

His voice was like a bell: "Brothers, life and death are not important, just do it if you don't accept it, after finishing this tough battle, you can restore peace to the world, and you can go back and reunite with your relatives!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his knife and stepped forward to the battlefield in person.He swept across the enemy's formation, rushing back and forth.

When the soldiers saw this, their courage doubled, and they marched forward bravely: "Kill!"

Everyone waved the big knives, swords, and spears in their hands, stabbing, chopping, and paddling the enemy's body indiscriminately.

The morale is overwhelming the enemy.

At this moment, long swords and broadswords clanged and waved, spears and rockets roared and flew, and shields were blocked by them from time to time.

Dense rockets are rushing around like a volcanic eruption.

The dull shouts and majestic roars made the mountains and rivers tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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