Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 746 Really Tired

Chapter 746 Really Tired
The ferocious and unyielding faces, the bloody soldiers, the bright red swords, the deep howls, the permeating gunpowder smoke, the whole valley was shrouded in this intense fighting.

Seeing this, the opponent's general was considered a man, and he didn't know if he was mad with anger. He waved the blood-stained spear indiscriminately, regardless of whether it would hurt his own people.

"Brothers, today we are bound to wash this land with blood, no one is allowed to surrender, and all of them will be killed by this general!"

"Yes!" Although someone responded to him, the voice was too weak!
Until dawn, the war continued, but the screams and screams one after another overshadowed the sounds of the soldiers fighting.

The generals and soldiers who rushed ahead were exhausted and persisted in fighting.

There were several wounds on King Yu's body, and the blood even covered the silver armor on his body, causing it to lose its original color and become a blood-red armor.

But he is still insisting, he is the leader of these people, he cannot fall, everyone can fall, but he can't, he must persist until the end.

His Chuchu said that she would wait for him.

After another half an hour, there were only a few hundred people left on the other side, but there were thousands of soldiers on King Yu's side.

At this moment, looking at the few people left on the other side, they are undoubtedly excited and excited. If those people are eliminated, this war will be over.

Originally exhausted, they waved their weapons even harder and rushed towards the only remaining enemy.

And King Yu Angtian let out a long roar, and quickly dealt with the enemy facing him. His mysterious and deep black pupils were extremely bloodthirsty at this moment.

He is like a man without emotion, dealing with the only remaining enemy in front of him.

There is only a small area in the heart, containing the woman I miss day and night.

At this moment, he was doing his best, striking quickly and ruthlessly. The three-foot-long broadsword in his hand was as domineering and mighty as him, with intricate tiger patterns engraved on it.

Wherever his broadsword went, it was either the eyes, the heart, or the entire head of the opponent, and as he pulled the broadsword away, blood flowed profusely.

Although it was stained with a lot of blood, it still had a chilling light.

A large amount of sharp blood and flesh hangs from the large jagged cut.

At this moment, his bloodthirsty eyes showed no emotion at all. He just wanted to end all this as soon as possible. He was tired, really tired.

Only when his broadsword kills an enemy's life will there be a gleam of light in his eyes.

A moment later, when the last soldier of the opponent fell, King Yu and the soldiers raised their arms and shouted to welcome the moment of victory.

The corners of King Yu's mouth twitched, his body obviously couldn't take it anymore, he led everyone to lead the battle in front, for a whole night, and he was injured again.

But he still faced the soldiers, squeezed out a gratifying smile, and said in a calm voice: "Brothers, the war is finally over, let's go back to rest, arrange the casualties, and we can go home!"

This time, after countless days and nights of planning, he wanted to wipe out the opponent, and he did it!

Going home, he can finally go home, as he said, he will go back to see her before she gives birth, and he is working hard to do it!
Chuchu, wait, the master will go back to see you and the baby soon.

At this moment, a round of red sun suddenly rose from the sky, and the streaks of golden light scattered like golden whips drove away the flying clouds and mist.

(End of this chapter)

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