Chapter 755

After he left, Huang Xiaotian asked his servants to invite the sixth prince in.

After the sixth prince came in, there were two guards behind him, and the guards were carrying exquisite mahogany gift boxes in their hands.

Huang Xiaotian got up as usual, and said, "Sixth Prince, please sit down."

The sixth prince motioned to the people around him to ask them to put the gift boxes on the table, and then said, "Master Huang, you are now a very popular figure in the imperial court, even more impressive than us princes!"

There is flattery in these words, but also some taste.

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the Taishi chair beside him.

Huang Xiaotian said modestly: "Where is it, Huang is just a commoner, how can he compare to the sixth prince, and he will rely on the sixth prince in the future. If the prince has something to do, he can just ask someone to come, and he can go there himself. Come on." Here you go, what gifts do you bring?"

What he talked about, he completely lost his decent appearance in the past, and he was a double-faced, seemingly treacherous minister.

The sixth prince was slightly taken aback, he felt that he really couldn't see through Huang Xiaotian, the change was too fast, he thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade him, who knew he just sat down, he was just so "polite" .

He raised his sword eyebrows, pulled his lips, and said: "Master Huang is indeed a smart person, so he is naturally worthy of this king to choose gifts for himself."

"My lord has won the award, but I just don't know why my lord came here this time?"

"This king will not be a secret anymore. Naturally, he came here because the emperor was sick and entrusted the court to you and Prince Duan." The sixth prince said angrily.

That King Duan had a worse reputation than the prince, and the emperor dared to teach him such a big thing.

Now, although Prince Duan's temperament has changed since he got married, the emperor thought that he had stayed under Tong Guifei's knees, and he was on good terms with Prince Yu.

Huang Xiaotian paused, and said with a smile: "So it's because of this, and I'm also worried because of this. That Prince Duan is useless, in my opinion, he is the most dishonest person among all the princes."

"That's right, even you think so, I really don't know what father thinks." He really became more and more confused as he got older, he didn't dare to say these words, he only dared to ponder them in his heart.

Huang Xiaotian smiled calmly, and said: "Maybe the emperor's illness is not serious, so he randomly found a prince who looks like a bully to take charge of his own affairs."

"Cut, it's really laughable to be alone like the old eighth." The sixth prince didn't think so.

"Wang Duan is a bit out of place, let's see what he will do, but no matter what he does, I don't like to cooperate with him."

"Since you don't like working with him, why not cooperate with me." The sixth prince took the opportunity to say.

Huang Xiaotian pretended to be embarrassed and said: "But the emperor ordered me to handle official business with Prince Duan, so I can't go too far."

"I know this, you just pretend to be like him on the surface." The sixth prince said indifferently, and then said: "I usually only care about King Yu, how could I have thought that King Duan would have such a day, now The emperor is seriously ill, don't let this kid Duan Wang miss it."

Speaking of this, he was really worried.

According to King Yu's words, he has strength after all.

It's not like Duan Wang, who is a fool, can still pick up leaks, don't let the emperor die, he will become the emperor logically, then he will vomit blood.

"Prince Duan is nothing to be afraid of. Right now, let's see what the emperor's situation is and what plans he has." Huang Xiaotian changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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