Chapter 756
Hearing this, the sixth prince snorted coldly, and said: "Huh, the emperor obviously can't get out of bed, and he won't let anyone tell us sons, what is he going to do!"

He was so angry that he almost didn't say that the emperor was going to die.

Either way, he had other plans.

At this moment, the servant came in again to report: "My lord, the Seventh Prince is asking to see you."

Huang Xiaotian glanced at the sixth prince, and then said: "Six princes, look."

"Master Huang, let's talk about today's matter. We are on the same boat. As for King Duan, you must behave yourself and don't show your feet." The sixth prince said worriedly.

"It's natural." Huang Xiaotian said straightforwardly.

"Well, then the king will leave first." The sixth prince was not afraid of anything. He went to the main entrance and met the seventh prince directly. good."

After finishing speaking, he left without waiting for the Seventh Prince to reply.

Heh, as cowardly as the Seventh Prince, who wants money but no money, no strength but no strength, but also wants to win over Huang Xiaotian, it's just a dream!

At the same time, in his heart, he thought that Huang Xiaotian knew practitioners as a hero, and thought he was very capable. The emperor fell down, and the fox's tail was exposed, just right, he likes it!

The Seventh Prince glared at his back, then entered the study.

The Seventh Prince's idea was similar to that of the Sixth Prince's, but he wanted to win over Huang Xiaotian.

In the end, the Ninth Prince also came to visit with a gift, and everyone had the same goal.

After everyone left, Huang Xiaotian compared all the gifts they sent, and it seemed that the sixth prince was the most powerful.

The jasper bottle with double animal ears, live ring and string pattern, sapphire bergamot, and sapphire embossed turquoise pen holder that he gave were more expensive than the gifts from other princes.

Since he is so generous, let's treat him as the first-class "cooperation" object first!

Four days later, the emperor didn't know that he believed too much in King Yu's ability, so he had nothing to worry about.

He was still anxious to accompany Concubine Tong, or maybe his body just couldn't bear it anymore.

Before King Yu returned to Beijing, he passed away early.

Thinking about it, King Yu is excellent in all aspects, if he had anything to worry about before, it was whether King Yu would come back triumphantly this time.

But King Yu defeated the barbarians in a short period of time this time, so he was completely relieved.

In addition, King Yu had a lover, and before he set off for the battle, he called his son once in front of him, and said that he didn't hate him anymore, so why should he worry about it?

At this moment, Li Zhongquan woke up the emperor as usual and asked someone to feed him breakfast, but when he came to the bedside, he called several times: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Your Majesty"

After calling for a long time, he didn't wait for a response, so scared that he immediately stretched out his hand to the tip of the emperor's nose, to feel his breath.

Immediately afterwards, he realized that the situation was so bad that the emperor was probably gone.

But he still cheered up, strong and calm, and asked someone to call Imperial Physician Yan over.

Physician Yan didn't know that the emperor was out of breath. When he was diagnosing the emperor's pulse, he noticed that the emperor's hands were cold, and he was shocked.

Sure enough, he couldn't feel the emperor's pulse at all, and then he also probed the emperor's breath, saying: "Eunuch Li, the emperor has passed away!"

For a while, all the concubines and princes were wearing mourning clothes, prostrating and weeping outside.

Thinking about it, only Duan Wang's eyes were bloodshot and slightly swollen, and he cried more realistically.

(End of this chapter)

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