Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 793 Very Naughty

Chapter 793 Very Naughty
If you can fight, you can fight. If you can't fight, it's good to go to that place in the capital!

After a while, Ding Cheng led a horse, casually prepared a simple package, and was ready to set off.

This made the brothers who had followed him for many years in Jiahe Pass reluctant to part.

"Old Ding, you don't even know you're coming back after leaving, brothers are really reluctant."

"Yes, General Ding, when you get there, remember to write to us often."

"General Ding, take care of yourself."

"You guys, what are you doing like a bitch, Lao Ding is doing business."

"Old Ding, work hard with His Royal Highness Prince Yu, brothers wish you smooth sailing and everything is well!"

Although Ding Cheng was usually taciturn, he was warm-hearted and helped those brothers a lot.

He is also a man of loyalty, and his popularity in the army is not generally good.

Now after hearing what everyone said to him, his eyes turned red, but the man did not flick his tears easily, and he forcibly suppressed the sadness back to the depths of his heart.

He cupped his hands and said, "Brothers, we will meet later, so farewell!"

Then, without looking back, he followed King Yu's team and headed towards the capital.

On February [-], everyone said that the spring breeze in February was like scissors, but the soldiers didn't feel cold at all when the wind blew on their faces.

On the contrary, the belief in the heart was strengthened in the wind.

They want to follow King Yu to protect their home and country well.

With the exit of Jiahe Pass and the customs clearance certificate of Jiahe Pass, it will be very easy to pass through the rest of the passes in the next few days.

As soon as the Jade Seal, imperial decree, and more and more public relations documents are revealed, everyone will open the city gate for him with great interest.

After all, comparing Xinhuang and Yuwang, everyone knows who is good and who is bad!
Although the king of Yu was ready to return home, but the spring rains were endless, the road was difficult to walk, and the soldiers were injured, as well as his own body, so it was inevitable that there would be a delay, and he might not be able to arrive in the capital until the beginning of March.

In the capital, Gao Chuchu, Yuanxiang and the others took care of her. She had a normal appetite, but her stomach was getting bigger day by day.

She stroked her protruding belly and said, "Baby, baby, your father must be on his way back to Beijing."

As a result, the belly seemed to have a reaction to her, kicking her belly wildly.

The kick made her belly slightly protrude into a small footprint.

Yuan Xiang, who was watching from the side, said cheerfully: "My lord, it seems that the little baby is very naughty!"

"Isn't that right? In the past few days, he kicked me every day, and he was not honest at night. I don't know who I learned from. I'm not that naughty." Gao Chuchu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiang said disapprovingly: "My lord is a steady character, in my opinion, he looks like a young master."

Since the young master became pregnant, she has restrained her temper a lot, but she will never forget how naughty the young master was when he was not pregnant.

Either climbing a tree, playing in the snow, or listening to cross talk.

"Auntie, you're making fun of me too!" Gao Chuchu was unhappy.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiang hurriedly comforted: "Okay, okay, the young master is the most honest."

In the Jinxi Palace, Ruan Guifei called Ni Meiren over.

When Meiren Ni arrived at the Golden Jubilee Palace, she was very apprehensive, she stepped forward to salute politely: "I have seen the imperial concubine sister."

"Don't dare to be, I heard that the emperor loves you very much recently, he goes to your place from time to time at night, and spends the whole night with you happily?" Concubine Ruan Gui said angrily, while looking at Mei Ni, who was not looking well, she frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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