Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 794 Salt the Wound

Chapter 794 Salt the Wound
I also wondered in my heart, it stands to reason that the emperor often goes to her place, she should have a beautiful face, how could she be so depressed?
Alas, I think the emperor has never been to the Golden Jubilee Palace since he took the throne.

But she found out that the emperor often went to Lijing Palace to visit, but he didn't spend the night there at night.

Instead, I went to Ni Meiren's place to spend the night. I have been there several times!
Recently, I have been going more frequently!
As for the Lijing Palace, the emperor sent heavy troops to guard it, not a single fly could fly in, and those people were all wooden people, no matter how much they coerced and lured them, they couldn't get any news, and they refused to say a word.

Since the Lijing Palace is an impenetrable wall, anyway, the emperor will not spend the night with her, so she doesn't care who is there, it's just a woman who doesn't interest the emperor.

Besides, Your Majesty, if you really like that woman, why didn't you give her a title?
On the contrary, it was Mei Ni. She had checked it. After the emperor ascended the throne, he had checked her sign a dozen times. He went there almost every one to two days, and he went there for a whole night.

I heard that the movement at night was not small, and it was not quiet until dawn!
Just thinking about it makes her angry, she simply doesn't take her, the lord of the harem, seriously!
She always thought that she would be a queen, but she would be just a noble concubine if she died.

Human beings are not satisfied. A beauty wants to be a concubine, a concubine wants to be a concubine, a concubine wants to be a concubine, and a concubine wants to be a queen.

Upon hearing the sour words, Ni Meiren was startled, she lamented that Concubine Ruan Gui was well informed, and knelt down at the same time.

Respectfully said: "Young concubine, please calm down, I am really wronged, the emperor often comes to my place to spend the night, but at first I was happy, but now I would rather he not come to see me, it is simply too painful Already!"

"Presumptuous, are you kicking your nose in the face now!" Concubine Ruan Gui shouted angrily.

Her chest rose and fell violently. For an unfavored imperial concubine like her, Meiren Ni's words were undoubtedly rubbing salt on her wounds.

It's just a good thing to get cheap, isn't this an obvious way to show off?
She wanted the emperor to come, but she couldn't expect it. She didn't want the emperor to come, and she was favored almost every night!

Beauty Ni knelt on the ground and did not dare to get up, she still knew Concubine Ruan's methods.

When she was in the palace in the early years, although Concubine Ruan was unable to give birth, she waited until a concubine became pregnant, killed the concubine, and raised the child born by the concubine herself, which was still a boy. The group in the palace dotes on the little prince!
Because the emperor only has this precious son, so he naturally dotes on him like a treasure.

So, of course, she was afraid that she would be murdered because of her temporary favor.

She said tremblingly: "Your concubine is aware, I am really wronged. Every time the emperor goes back to my place, he just vents his anger. Every time he gets more and more violent, he doesn't care about my feelings at all, so I can't sleep at night." It’s a good feeling, sometimes my body still hurts, but the next day I have to go to bed again, after a long time, my body still hurts now!”

Concubine Ruan frowned slightly. Even though Meiren Ni said it was such a pain, she still enjoyed it. She wanted the emperor to treat her like that, but the emperor just felt sorry for her every time and fell asleep.

She can't even feel the pain!
"Well, you beauty Ni, you have seduced the emperor's dragon body, and you are obsessed with you every night. You are still complaining here, are you trying to blame the emperor for not being self-controlled? It seems that this palace will not teach you a lesson, and you will not Know who is the biggest in this harem!"

(End of this chapter)

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