Chapter 1024 An Xiaoer is dead?
Then, the information showed that after An Xiaoer left, she went to City B and stayed in City B for a few months. Then, there was a car accident and something happened...

When Mo Qingge saw the news, her eyes sank, did such a thing happen?
Looking at the display on the information, she only felt that the information was full of untruth. An Xiaoer actually had a car accident, what happened?

Thinking about fighting over Qingye with her before, is it like this now?

If you say you don’t have a good life, is it gone?
She doesn't believe it!
"Hehehe... An Xiao'er, are you dead? Dead?" Mo Qingge's smile was ferocious, full of disbelief, and even a bit of a sneer.

"It's good to be dead, it's good to be dead! If you're dead, you won't be able to snatch Qingye from me in the future!"

Mo Qingge then looked at Dugu Xinyue's information again, and there were very few information on it, not even where Dugu Xinyue studied, but it just showed that Dugu Xinyue was the eldest lady of the Lonely Family, Dugu Jin is twins.

It turned out to be just these materials!

Others, nothing left!
She looked at the short information. What does such an investigation have to do with no investigation?Aren't these the same as what she knew?
Really, did those people take the money and do these things?

Mo Qingge was upset, so she took her mobile phone and made a call!

"This is the information about An Xiaoer and Dugu Xinyue you mentioned? Especially the information about Dugu Xinyue. Do you think I'm a three-year-old? Use these things to fool me!"

Mo Qingge's face was not good-looking, and now she was looking at the information, her words were full of anger!

"Miss Mo, we will not lie to you. An Xiaoer's information really shows that there was a car accident. As for the Dugu Xinyue you mentioned, there is very little information about her. It seems that the Dugu family deliberately concealed their daughter's identity. , has not been disclosed to the public, and it is difficult to investigate, we are already working hard to investigate."

The person in charge said something like this.

Mo Qingge's expression was very bad, she hung up the phone without saying anything!
She was so angry that she threw her phone beside the bed!

At this moment, she couldn't investigate Dugu Xinyue's information, she couldn't know the truth, she was very upset, she stood up, and finally went downstairs.

She had to think about how to teach Dugu Xinyue a lesson. The last time she saw Dugu Xinyue and Chu Qingye walking together, she was very angry at the time, but then she felt that since Dugu Xinyue was being taken over by Mo Shenhan Come to the house, so, it should be a confirmed relationship, right?

So, if she knew that Dugu Xinyue and Chu Qingye were going together, and that An Xiaoer also left because of something like that a year ago, then Mo Shenhan would be furious!
After all, it is an individual who will have a shadow of harm, and Dugu Xinyue and An Xiaoer have exactly the same face, so the effect is even better.

However, she thought that Mo Shenhan would at least have a fight with Dugu Xinyue, which would be regarded as a lesson for that woman, but in the end, that woman was really capable, and Mo Shenhan was not angry at all, and instead fought with her Went to City H!

Isn't this slapping her in the face?

Mo Qingge gritted her teeth in anger!
She was driving, and there was no one on the road, so she was driving very fast, and because she was always thinking about Dugu Xinyue, something happened when she passed a turn...

(End of this chapter)

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