The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1025 Of course I want Mo Shenhan to know

Chapter 1025 Of course I want Mo Shenhan to know
Because she didn't pay attention, she accidentally bumped into a tree while making a turn, and the car was immediately bumped, and her whole body was trapped in the airbag.

Although she was protected by the airbag, she still suffered some injuries, with bleeding in several places on her body, and a scratch on her head.

"Damn it!" This sudden change made Mo Qingge frown. She was a little distracted just now, did she encounter such a tragedy in the end?

At this moment, Mo Qingge only felt that her mind was in a mess. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call 120 for emergency services, but she accidentally called Chu Qingye.

The phone is connected...

However, for a long time, no one answered.

Mo Qingge fought several times, as always!

Do you not have a mobile phone?She was thinking like this, but in the end, the phone came, "The number you dialed is currently on the phone..."

This is the only display after hanging up the phone!
So, is he just too lazy to answer her calls?

Mo Qingge's face turned even paler. At this moment, she finally called the ambulance in despair...

When the 120 ambulance arrived, Mo Qingge was already in a coma, and only woke up after some rescue at the hospital.

The most nervous one was of course Mo Shenlie. He was always by Mo Qingge's side, and he was relieved to see her finally wake up.

"Qingge, do you have anything to do?" Mo Shenlie asked while holding his sister's hand.

"Brother, where's Qingye? You inform him that I'm injured!"

At this moment, Mo Qingge still remembered that she called Chu Qingye when she passed out, but he hung up the phone.

"Qingge, don't be stupid, Chu Qingye doesn't like you at all, so why are you doing this?" Chu Qingye just looked at her mobile phone and saw that she had called Chu Qingye several times. I have been thinking about that man all the time, but that man doesn't like her, doesn't he?

"Brother, don't you yourself? I think you like An Xiaoer a little bit, right? I've seen many times, your eyes follow An Xiaoer!"

Originally, Mo Qingge just wanted Chu Qingye to come over, even if she took a look at her, but Mo Shenlie said something like this!

Isn't this stabbing her heart with a needle?

Mo Qingge is also a person who is very good at fighting back, so she will naturally fight back at this time!
Mo Shenlie was originally trying to persuade Mo Qingge, but when she said this, he was speechless, "Okay, whatever you want to say!"

Maybe sometimes, love is when the authorities are obsessed with the onlookers, and both of them know that the person they like doesn't like them at all, but they just like to be obsessed!
"During this time, you should take a good rest. The doctor said you had a slight concussion! How did you drive your car? You hit a tree? Could it be that someone moved something?"

"My mind was distracted, brother. I just investigated the news about An Xiaoer. She died. After going to City B, something happened to her. So I was thinking about this just now, and my mind was accidentally distracted!"

Mo Qingge told Mo Bozhi what happened to her.

"What did you say?" Mo Shenlie was stunned when he heard such words!

"Does Mo Shenhan know about this?" He asked.

Mo Qingge narrowed her eyes, "Of course I want to let him know, so that there will be a good show!"

(End of this chapter)

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