The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1030 An Xiaoer, do you have anything to do with me?

Chapter 1030 An Xiaoer, do you have anything to do with me?
"An Xiaoer didn't look for you, so what does it have to do with me?" An Xiaoer looked at Chu Qingye, still pretending that it had nothing to do with her.

Chu Qingye looked at her reaction, but he also wondered in his heart, is she An Xiao'er?

Mo Shenhan was on the side. He was taken aback when he heard such words. Didn't An Xiaoer go to Chu Qingye?

In fact, even though Mo Shenhan had been waiting for An Xiaoer to come back this year, he did not investigate An Xiaoer's whereabouts, let alone any news about her.

If Mo Shenhan had investigated, An Xiao'er would not have been pregnant, and he would not have known about the birth of a child!

At this moment, hearing their conversation, Mo Shenhan finally let go of An Xiaoer and Chu Qingye's knots. So, are they really unrelated?

When An Xiaoer said that she and Chu Qingye had nothing to do with each other, although Mo Shenhan believed it, he didn't believe it 100%, but at this moment, he believed it.

Well, since it doesn't matter, it's really just another conspiracy behind it!
"Are you really not An Xiaoer?" Chu Qingye was also depressed. Looking at Dugu Xinyue now, his definition in his heart was that she was An Xiaoer, but she didn't admit it, and he didn't have enough. The evidence confirmed that she was An Xiao'er, so she could only look at her suspiciously.

"No!" An Xiaoer denied it!

Only Mo Shenhan made An Xiaoer admit that she was An Xiaoer, but for the others, An Xiaoer did not admit it.

Because, when Mo Shenhan said to Dugu Xinyue, if you say you are An Xiaoer, then I believe you, if you say you are not An Xiaoer, I will never treat you as An Xiaoer in the future, that sentence Those words really made An Xiaoer feel nervous.

Because she didn't want to make things too unpleasant with Mo Shenhan, she finally admitted nervously.

However, facing Chu Qingye at this moment, An Xiaoer would naturally not admit it!
"I got the news that An Xiaoer died. You said that An Xiaoer came to H City and then had an accident in H City. However, no one has known about Dugu Xinyue all this time. They only know that she has always been the eldest lady of Dugu's family. , and its mystery, but now it's not so mysterious, it came out after An Xiaoer disappeared, isn't it too coincidental?"

But Chu Qingye was still unwilling to give up, An Xiaoer refused to admit it, and he also stubbornly wanted to continue to press, and wanted to know the result!
An Xiaoer's heart sank when she heard what he said, it turned out that Chu Qingye was investigating her!

Well, since he is investigating her, then, Mo Qingge and the others must also investigate her, will they also have doubts?
An Xiaoer didn't speak, just looked at Chu Qingye quietly.

He also looked at her as if he was determined to find the answer!
An Xiaoer looked at him helplessly, "So, what do you want to say?"

Chu Qingye insisted on it at first, but An Xiaoer never admitted it. He was helpless, "Also, I want to say that you are very similar to An Xiaoer in many ways. Your words and deeds are revealed by you inadvertently." character!"

"Sorry, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first!" Faced with Chu Qingye's questioning, An Xiaoer felt that her disguise was disintegrating, and she had no choice but to run away.

"Are you nervous? Because you are nervous, you want to leave, isn't that true?" Chu Qingye also stood up and blocked An Xiaoer's way!
"Get out of the way!" An Xiaoer waited for him, her face was not good-looking!
"What if I don't let it?"

(End of this chapter)

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