The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1031 Jealous, let you be happy another day

Chapter 1031 Jealous, let you be happy another day

"What if I don't let go?" Chu Qingye was also stubborn, An Xiaoer said to let go, but he was not willing to let go at all!

An Xiaoer's face was cold, and now she was also in a bad mood because of nervousness, and her breathing quickened.

"Mr. Chu, please clarify, I am not An Xiaoer, I am me, you and An Xiaoer have nothing to do, don't forget, I have a twin brother, we look so alike, if you really If you are confused because of my appearance, I will go back and ask my mother for you, and I will ask her if there is another sister?"

"..." Chu Qingye looked at her so excited, he didn't speak, but just looked at her blankly, after all, he didn't say anything, "If you were An Xiaoer, I don't want you to lie to me, because... ..."

An Xiaoer was also nervous when she heard what he said.

However, before Chu Qingye finished speaking, Mo Shenhan stood up, "She's not An Xiaoer, why are you so stubborn?"

An Xiaoer: "..."

Mo Shenhan actually came?
Didn't he say he won't come?

An Xiaoer just looked at Mo Shenhan blankly, "Ahem, cough, Mo Shenhan, why are you here?"

"I missed you, so I came here." Mo Shenhan immediately hugged An Xiaoer's waist, and then, he looked affectionate.

Looking at all this, Chu Qingye didn't know why, and felt furious, "Dugu Xinyue, since you are not An Xiaoer, why should you use An Xiaoer's face to stay by Mo Shenhan's side and be someone else's substitute? Are you at ease?"

Chu Qingye seemed to be angry. He had always wanted to know if he was An Xiaoer, so he kept probing, but now Mo Shenhan also came out, and they still looked affectionate. Chu Qingye really I really feel that it's not worth it for An Xiaoer.

Listening to Chu Qingye's words of defending An Xiaoer, at this moment, even if An Xiaoer never thought of herself as An Xiaoer, she still had mixed feelings in her heart.

"We still have something to do, let's go first!"

With that said, he dragged Mo Shenhan away like that.

Chu Qingye just stood there blankly, he asked her, she said she is not An Xiaoer, is she really not An Xiaoer?
Perhaps, whether it's An Xiaoer or not, we can only know if we continue to test it.

In the car, An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan who was driving. She was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at him all the time, and smiled helplessly, "Mo Shenhan, didn't you say that you weren't coming? Why are you not coming now? Are you still here?"

Mo Shen coldly snorted, "Are you afraid that something will happen if I don't come?"

When An Xiaoer heard what Mo Shenhan said, she immediately laughed heartlessly, "Hahaha, Mo Shenhan, so, are you nervous about me? Or, are you jealous? Do you know that you look like this now? so cute!"

"..." Mo Shenhan glared at An Xiaoer, but did not speak!

An Xiaoer continued to laugh, "Actually, I'm quite happy with you like this. After all, you care about me, don't you?"

As An Xiaoer spoke, a bright smile appeared on her face.

Mo Shenhan was still upset, "I will make you happy some other day."

An Xiaoer felt ashamed when she heard such a sentence from him. If such a sentence was only uttered on a daily basis, An Xiaoer would not think it was a big deal, but the problem is, what they said was "You are jealous, I am very happy"

Therefore, what Mo Shenhan meant was to show An Xiaoer jealous some other day, to experience that feeling.

An Xiaoer was helpless, "Mo Shenhan, I don't want this kind of happiness!"

"Do I want it?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows and asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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